
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on this cold but beautiful day. There is little to no wind but there could be movement on the Faxabay

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: What a surprise we had in this tour! We were not counting on it, when we went out this afternoon. Almost as soon as we left the harbour a few snow flakes started to fell. We hope for it to stop (the rest was just perfect, almost no wind and the sky fully overcast, making it easy to spot the animals) but it just went on and on, increasing its ferocity. And right in the middle of the storm... there it was! A minke whale just crossed our path and surfaced several times no more far away than 40 m from the boat! Quite a long time without seeing the minkes, since they all started to migrate a few weeks ago. Probably it was one individual starting late the migration, but either way it was a fantastic view. We ended the tour with a pretty nice pod of 5-7 white beaked dolphins feeding and playing and jumping quite close to us as well, for the delight of our dear brave passengers that dared to stay with me outside, facing the snow. As a conclusion, a pretty nice afternoon today in Faxa bay!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: After two days of bliss weather, we got a little extension this morning. The sky was entirely covered with clouds, but having the wind in our back on our way out, we were spared from the freezing cold and from the swells. We sailed for a while until we decided to explorer further in the South, thus we turned our boat. Then the conditions degraded a bit, we were now facing the cold wind and we were slightly shaken. Still, the spotting conditions were alright, with good visibility, not much white caps, and only small waves. It turned out our efforts scanning the area did not pay off, nothing was spotted. As much as we want to curse our bad luck, we are all aware that's part of the deal with wildlife, it only shows up when it wants to. As the only possible consolation, we offered complimentary tickets to everyone and we warmly recommended them to try as many times as it requires. Nature is capricious, but splendid, it is definitely worth to bother !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Bird species seen on today's tours include: greater black-backed gull, Iceland gull, glaucous gull, cormorant, eider duck, common guillemot, razor bill, black guillemot and northern fulmar.