
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour status: Running, we will be sailing from HAFNARFJÖRÐUR today, 8 January at 13:00, due to unfavourable weather and sea conditions out of Reykjavík.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Due to strong winds coming from the Southeast we decided to start out tour in Hafnarfjörður today. There were not only lots of sea gulls and cormorants in the harbour but after just a few minutes a seal was looking at us with its curious eyes and came up a few times in our vicinity. A nice way to start the tour. As we headed further out, we got news from another whale watching boat that they had come across a group of white-beaked dolphins and sailed over to them to get a look. We managed to spent quite a while with these lovely dolphins that were in a rather relaxed mood and didn´t swim around that much - perfect to take pictures and to keep track of them in sea conditions that got rougher during the tour. It was a group of 5, maybe 6 individuals, that surfed in the waves sometimes and stayed pretty close together. It was great to see them coming close to the boat every now and then before we said good-bye and made our way to the harbour to Reykjavík where the windy tour ended.

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today´s tour include: cormorants, Iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, great black-backed gulls and kittiwakes.

A bus will be ready and waiting for passengers at our ticket office in the Old Harbour and drive off to Hafnarfjörður at the scheduled departure time. Depending on conditions, we will either return to Reykjavík with the boat or drive guests back by bus. This will result in a slightly longer tour, or between 3-5 hrs. and could impact COMBO tours.

Guests that are unable to join the tour because of it's length should contact their travel planner immediately to arrange for a different activity or check for other options provided by them.

All the best,
The Elding Team