
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: A beautiful sunny day out in the bay. So bad we had a fiery wind blowing from the NE. We spent the beginning of the tour trying to get shelter from the eastern coast, making our way almost to the town of Akranes and, once there, we moved a little bit more towards the middle of the bay. The combination of whitecaps and the sunlight made the spotting fairly hard, but our brave passengers stood up in the outside deck helping the crew to spot something - and so we did. Unfortunately, it was only a solitary harbour porpoise that surfaced a couple of times, close to the boat. Therefore we offered some complimentary tickets to our customers and, hopefully, they will have plenty of luck next time!!

- Alberto Alejandro

Bird species seen on todays tours: common guillemot, northern gannet, northern fulmar, cormorant, kittiwake, icelandic gull, black-backed gull & eider duck



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. According to the forecast it will be a bit windy today (NE 8-10 m/s). If you are sensitive to motion sickness we do offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge! The temperature will be around -1°C. We have heated indoor areas on board but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our tour!