
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Quite a peculiar tour! One of those that remind you how unpredictable and surprising nature can be. We went out in the bay on probably one of the best days so far in this winter - regarding weather and sea conditions. Good light, not too much wind. But nothing to be seen during all the tour, despite the beautiful rainbows that were appearing here and there along the tour. We were returning back empty handed when, from nowhere, and almost at the entrance of Reykjavik, the dolphins appeared! We encountered about 30 white beaked dolphins that, apparently, were feeding at that spot. They were leaping and jumping sometimes, and sometimes they also decided to perform their own particular human watching! Passengers (and crew!) had, at the end, a touching time with the cetaceans in Faxa bay! More days like this are just in here, behind the corner!

- Alberto Alejandro

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, cormorant, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, great black-backed gull and eider duck.




We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. According to the forecast the wind will calm down but there will be movement on the boat. If you are sensitive to motion sickness we do offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge! We have heated indoor areas on board but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our tour!