
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: A cold afternoon in the bay. The sea conditions had calmed down a little bit after the bumpiness of the morning, and we were enjoying the presence of the Sun now and them. The sea was alive with sea birds, and we were lucky enough to enjoy some northern gannets plunge-diving. It took a while, though, to see some cetaceans today. Almost at the end of the tour we approached a 4 individuals pod of white beaked dolphins. They were surprisingly quiet, and somehow was difficult to follow their track. We assumed that this amazing creatures were resting, so we watched them without disturbing them too much. Is always great to prove to our guests how we try to follow a code of conduct with the animals as best as we can!

- Alberto Alejandro


Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Will it rain, will it not rain ? That question was on everyone's mind at the beginning of our morning tour, as there was a light drizzling coming in and out while our vessel was still docked. But after departure we were delighted to see that rather than rain, we had a glorious sunlight slowly raising behind the clouds, and the scenery kept on changing and evolving as the sun was times to times piercing through holes in the clouds. There was only a strong gale blowing in our face to remind us that we are in the Icelandic weather. Unfortunately, nice lights on the land and on the bay cannot make up for the lack of a cetaceans on a whale watching tour ! No matter how long we searched, even when we met flocks of hundreds of birds, nothing was to be spotted. On our way back we offered complimentary tickets to our passengers, but still under splendid lights: a quick rain had created a majestic rainbow behind us.

- Guillaume Calcagni


Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannet, glaucous gull, eider duck, northern fulmar, icelandic gull and great cormorant


Tour at 09:00: RUNNING

We are sailing out from the Old harbour today.

Tour at 13:00: RUNNING