
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Oh sun we surely do love you if you are shining like this in early March! The sailing conditions were similar to the morning, it was considerably calm with some large rolling swells further out in the bay. We were sailing straight to the area where we had seen the dolphins earlier and it took us not even an hour before we found the same pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins. The animals were still busy feeding and surely kept us on our toes when we were trying to follow their artistic feeding moves. For about half an hour we could enjoy the dolphins' presence before we lost track of them and continued our search for more wildlife in the bay. These were the only cetaceans we encountered on this tour, but we sure did enjoy many sea birds, especially the gulls who were hunting with the dolphins and would often show us where the dolphins would surface next. A lovely afternoon out in Faxa bay.

- Barbara Neubarth

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: It was a wonderfully bright day on sailing out into the bay, the sun was shining and we had only a drizzle of rain throughout the tour. The sea was only a little bit choppy as a result from the storm yesterday but not quite so bad as expected. It took us a long time to search for cetaceans today but eventually a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins were spotted in the distance. We were able to get a wonderful look at these animals and their beautifully patterned bodies. They surfaced multiple times swimming right up to and under the boat and even leaping out of the water on occasion. What a wonderful encounter! We were able to watch these animals for quite some time before having to head back to harbour. 

- Tess Hudson

Bird species seen on todays tours; kittiwake, northern fulmar, northern gannet, greater black-backed gull, icelandic gull, black headed gull, oyster catcher, cormorant and eider duck

Tour at 1 pm: RUNNING

We will be sailing out from the Old harbour in Reykjavik this afternoon. Still getting some wind from the south and the sea is choppy, but we do have sea sickness tablets free of charge at our ticket office. For more information please contact us by email,, or give us a call +354 519 5000. 

Tour at 9 am: RUNNING

We will be sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. We are getting suttle wind from the south, but we could expect some rough seas after the storm last night. For more information please contact us by email,, or give us a call +354 519 5000.