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Tuesday, 01 October 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Well we thought it could not get any better we were wrong. The weather did get worse, as the mist enveloped the bay but the sea stayed perfectly calm as it was this morning. We sailed towards our usual spot and this time it was White-beaked Dolphins we spotted first. A pod of maybe 5-7 animals which were not that interested in us but they came close enough to see them travelling under the waters surface on a couple of occasions. They were probably busy finding food so we headed further offshore and found two Minke Whales. They too looked to be feeding. We stayed with them for a while but it was later on when we found two other Minke Whales that were incredible as one surfaced just 5-8 meters from the boat and one headed towards us and brought his/her snout high out of the water just 10-15m from the boat. It was an amazing MInke Whale tour. We also saw a small pod of 4-6 Harbour Porpoises which were also nice to see. All in all a very good tour.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed in the most perfect weather. The sea was like a mirror and the clouds had a slight purple tinge to them. It was one of the best morning sailings we have experienced in a long time. We sailed to our favorite area, a 40-50 minute sailing and found our first Minke Whale, we were so happy to find that it was Humpie the Minke Whale, a minke we have been seeing a lot this summer and since 2011. Then suddenly another appeared behind. They seemed to be circling the boat so we turned of our engines and enjoying the calming rocking sensation of the boat, and listened to the surfacing breathes of the whales. Another joined in too so it the end we had 3 Minke Whales surfacing a round us. As Humpie knew us he/she came a lot closer than the others, surfacing maybe 5-10 meters from our boat. In between sightings of the minke, Harbour Porpoises joined in too but they stayed their distance. It was a perfect morning out on the bay this morning.

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour included; Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Lesser black backed Gulls, Glaucous Gulls, Common Guillemots, Cormorants, Eider Ducks.