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Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Status Tour at 20:30 (8:30PM): CANCELLED

Status Tour at 13:00, 14:00 and 17:00 (1PM, 2PM, 5PM): CANCELLED

Due to unfavourable conditions at sea we unfortunately have to cancel our Whale Watching Tour at 17:00 this afternoon. I you like to reschedule or have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office at +354 519 5000 or via e-mail at 

Tour 10:00

Report from Elding: the sailing out towards the main sighting grounds felt comfortable as we had the wind in our backs and traveled with the swell. When we reached the area where Hafsúlan had seen dolphins we slowed down and searched around us. The animals had clearly moved on as there was no sign of life in the area. It took us at least 30 minutes to finally find a pod of 4 white beaked dolphins. At first they were jumping so it was easy to spot them. After a while they became more elusive and hard to follow. We searched for other animals, trying to find other species. We used the sea birds to guide us to more active areas but although it seemed promising we didnt find other animals.

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Tour 9:00

Report from Hafsulan: Despite coming storm our way out from the harbour in the direction of our spotting sights was smoothie. We were going with the wind blowing in our backs and following directions of the waves. When we were on the line with Hvalfjörður in the distance we had seen massive splash. It was few kilometers away. We didn´t get chance to go there because pod of 6-8 white-beaked dolphins jumped out on our right side. Between this animas we could see some calves in playfully moods jumping and twisting their bodies in the air. Unfortunately following dolphins we had to change our direction and we could feel how rocky will be on the way back. Weather was getting worst so to not expose our passengers for longer lasting uncomfortable trip we decided to head home sooner. Even if encounter with dolphins was awesome, we offered our guests complimentary tickets to came back for another whale watching tour in better conditions. 

- Ewa Malinowska 


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today.  If you are sensitive to sea sickness, we do provide sea sickness tablets, free of charge! We hope you are able to join us on the search of these magnificent animals in their natural environment.