
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


SUNDAY, 30 JULY 2017

Tour at 20:30

Report from Eldey: It was a very nice night, we had a beautiful sun set the sky turned many colors. The wind was not very strong, so it was a very good night for whale watching. Unfortunately we didn´t had any luck. No cetacean showed him self around our boat. But we did all enjoy a nice evening out and on the way back we had some live music. We also offered everybody a complementary ticket so everyone could come again with us on the tour for free, hopefully with better luck. 

- Alexandra Bouman

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The bay still welcomed us with great Icelandic summer weather. The sun was shining for the whole tour and the wind was just enough to remind you that you are far north in the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, on this trip we were not really lucky with the wildlife. We only saw a few seabirds scattered in the area we were sailing through. And this time there were no signs of any whales or dolphins. Thus, all our passengers found themselves a good place on the outside decks and enjoyed the late sun and the great view at the landscape around Faxafloi. But, although the sailing experience was great, the passengers of course signed up for watching cetaceans. Thus, we offered everyone a complementary ticket to give it a go on another day.

- Nicole Koestner

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: The weather actually improved with time and when we left the harbour the swell had gone down and the wind had also died down.With a pleasant sail out we soon found the other whale watching vessels and we raced each other to the frenzied flock of birds that were in the bay. We were rewarded by the sight of a minke whale! Feeling friendly, the whale actually surfaced quite a few times and very close to the boat. It was great to hear the excitement of the passengers. The way back was still rocky, but how exciting it was to once again see some action in the bay!

-Rachel Pool

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather did not change much since the morning, it was windy and bumpy on the bay. The visibility was fantastic and all the mountains could be seen around us. We sailed far west to search for animals, no large flocks of birds were seen on the way out and no signs of cetaceans. As soon as we turned to head back we heard news of a minke whale that had been seen from another boat, unfortunately it had vanished before we arrived. From that area we spotted huge flocks of birds feeding. When we got closer to them we saw a minke whale, we saw it surface 4 times but always rather unpredictable. We were already running late when we found it and therefore had to leave and head back, because of this late encounter we were 40 minutes late back to harbour. 

-Sigurlaug Sigurdardottir

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: Unlike the weather report had said, winds and waves actually weren't as strong as predicted which made it a pleasant trip as long as the wind was blowing in the same direction as we were traveling. We had a lot of Puffins throughout our trip as well as numerous other sea birds diving into the water as they were feeding. Although we enjoyed this view for a bit, of course we wanted to spot cetaceans. Unfortunately we only saw a minke whale surface once in this area of birds before it disappeared under water, probably diving for a long time as it headed away from the area. So while we could enjoy a lot of landscape with this great weather, that is certainly not what we aim to show our passengers, thus we offered everyone a complimentary ticket to come out with us again within the next two years. A good excuse to come to Iceland another time.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: We had an amazing sailing trip this morning. Although, we still had a strong breeze from the north, it was great to sit on the outer decks watching the waves and breathing the fresh sea air, while enjoying the sun. When we arrived in the area where we most often see the whales and dolphins, we spotted a big flock of feeding birds. While watching a great variety of sea birds, the crew also spotted a minke whale in the area. Unfortunately, this minke whale was very elusive and only surfaced twice before going for a very long dive and was not seen again. As we were not able to spot any other whales during this tour, we offered complimentary tickets to all our passengers to give them the chance to go with us one another tour for free.

- Nicole Koestner

Birds seen on today's tours: Arctic Tern, Arctic Skua, Common Guillemot, Atlantic Puffin, Northern Fulmar, Northern Gannet, Black-backed Gull and Kittiwake.


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. The sea will be rough today, so if you are sensitive to motion sickness we do provide seasickness tablets, free of charge! We are looking forward to welcoming you on board in our search for these magnificent animals!