
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 19:00

Report from Elding: We were a little surprised about the weather this evening, the wind had picked up a lot and it was quite blustery on the way out but it was a beautiful. The sun was low which creating rainbows as the swell hit the boat and splashed the sides. Always lovely to rainbows for Gay Pride weekend.  The crew was definitely in the spirit too. It took us about an hour to find the first blows from a whale, 4 exhales that was easily visible on the strong midnight sun. It looked to be a minke whale but unfortunately when it went for a deep dive we were unable to find it again. We were unable to find anything else on this tour but the incredible evening light and the musical talents of Bjarni made up for the lack of cetaceans, We did however offer our passengers complimentary tickets for a free tour that could be used within the next 2 years.

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: On this tour the wind got colder again but the sun was still shining non-stop. Sea conditions were pleasant and the view we could get of the landscapes of the peninsulas surrounding Faxafloi were phenomenal. Unfortunately, that was all we saw today. While we definitely had a whale around the boat, as we saw it's blow 4 times, it never surfaced showing it's body. Thus, of course, we offered every passenger a complimentary ticket to return for a tour with us in the next 2 years so we can show them what our tours are actually like.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: Another beautiful nature tour on Faxafloi, sun was shining and the sea conditions calmed down too. We enjoyed watching the birdlife on the way offshore, puffins, shearwaters, fulmars and sea gulls. It was however a while before we started to see our first cetaceans. A pod of 6-7 white-beaked dolphins, they were awesome. Very playful and interactive, they played around the boat, bow riding, looking up at our passengers. We were able to stay for a while but eventually wanted to go look for some whales. We got word of a couple of minke whales about 15 minutes from us but they were soon gone when we arrived and unfortunately time was up and we had to head home.

Megan Whittaker

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey:  It was much warmer than this morning, the sun was shining the the whole tour and the sea conditions were great. a pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises was spotted soon after we left the harbour, but they were elusive and we decided to not stop the boat. We slowed down when we got to the area where the humpback was seen on the morning tour, unfortunately it was not seen again so we sailed further west. soon we spotted a minke whale. It traveled in one direction for a while we we could follow and get a good look at it. our next sighing was a pod of 4 white beaked dolphins, they were elusive and disappeared soon. Another boat in the area spotted another pod of dolphins that we went to check out, they were easier and actually started bow riding our boat. On the way back we spotted another pod of 3-4 harbour porpoises. This was a nice afternoon to be out on the water!

-Sigurlaug Sigurdardottir

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: When sailing out from the old harbor of Reykjavik, we were welcomed by a fresh breeze and a beautiful clear blue sky. After about half an hour we spotted a long and very pronounced dorsal fin less than 100 m next to us. Unfortunately, we did not get to see this animal again although we stopped there for a few minutes. But at the same time we got a call from the other whale watching boat that they had spotted a humpback whale close to the coast of Akranes. Thus, our captain turned up the engines and we sailed for about 20 minutes to join the other whale watching boats. We were especially lucky that all of them left a few minutes after we arrived. With the engines turned off, we had only to wait for a little while until the beautiful giant surfaced a couple of times. As we could stay with it for a while, we could watch a couple of surface sequences and even got to see the white-blacked patched fluke of this humpback whale. As we had such a great time with this relaxed humpback, we left after about half an hour to look for more wildlife in Faxabay. And only after a very short while we "stumbled" over a small pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins. They popped up very close to the boat and everyone got a good look at them. This last encounter made our tour even better! Another great afternoon on the sea!

-Nicole Koestner

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Again we're being spoiled by the weather. It truly is summer. Although the wind today is really chilly, the sky is blue and the sun shining and we couldn't ask for more to be outside all day. We decided to start our day heading towards the city Akraness and in close proximty to this city we encountered a minke whale. It was feeding in the area and surfacing very frequently, lifting the front of it's head out of the water as it was doing so. We watched it for probably 20 minutes until the whale went for a deeper dive and left us. We decided to head westwards from there on but in the end actually turned around back towards the Hvalfjodur as this was where we spotted a blow. Though time was running out, we got some great minutes with a humpback whale that even showed us it's fluke. Our way back was filled with sunshine and close to the harbour we were greeted by 3 harbour porpoises traveling by. 

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today's tours: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Black-backed Gulls, Cormorants, Common Guillemots, Manx Shearwaters, Arctic Terns,Kittiwakes and Northern Fulmar.



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. It is a beautiful sunny day but it is windy and there will be movement on the boat. If you are sensitive to motion sickness we do offer sea sickness tablets free of charge before the tour.