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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan:The ocean was totally calm as we headed out and only after a short time we spotted the first Minke Whale. It was feeding and was hard to keep up with but we got to see it for a couple of times before we headed further out to search for something else. After around 20 minutes we found a pod of 4-6 White-beaked Dolphins, they surfaced around us and took a dive under the boat so we could watch them under the surface, it was just great! As our time was running up we headed towards the harbour and on our way there we saw 2 more Minke Whales, one in the distance but the other surfaced closer to us so we got a good look at it!Great tour in the calm and beautiful fall weather.- Freydís ÓskTour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan:Like the past mornings the weather was calm and after a short search we found the first Minke Whale it seemed to be very busy feeding but after some time watching it it surfaced around five times just next to the boat! After spending over 40 minutes with the Minke we decided to head further out and let the minke whale hunt in peace. There we found a pod of 5 White-beaked Dolphins and got a great look at them as they swam under the boat and surfaced just right next to us. On our way back to Reykjavík we found another pod of dolphins with aruond 6 animals in it and watched them as well for a while. They were very fun and entertained us for a few minutes until we had to head back.beautiful tour with the cetaceans in Faxaflói bay.- Freydís Ósk