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Sunday, 20 August 2017

Tour at 19:00

Report from Hafsulan: The last tour of the day was a little bit special today because we took a risky bet trying to spot incredible animal but in an unusual place. We heard about some reports telling nice stories about huge cetaceans near Keflavik so we headed our boat in that direction, despite knowing that the distance from Reykjavik to Keflavik was immense, nothing couldn't’t stop us! In the way we were able to spot one of our most common species in Faxafloi, a solitary Minke whale was surfacing near us few times but we were committed with Keflavik so we went there pushed by favorable winds. As soon as we arrived, a huge blow was our welcoming: a humpback whale was in front of us. We spent more than half an hour with this individual and we were able to spot its fluke and a nasty smell from its blow which was incredible surprising for us because humpbacks are not well known by their odor. After enjoying its presence, we set course to Reykjavik while we listened Bjarni playing his very best music.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Prepared for getting cold again by cold north wind which hit us all day  we were positively surprised by lack of this breeze. Sea conditions stayed perfect and we experienced less of white caps what made spotting much easier. We head directly to the area where previously minke whales been seen but instead of them we saw splashes. Better look showed us pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins. While we were enjoying presence of this cute animals on our other side another pod of this dolphins arrived! In total we had around 8 to 10 dolphins swimming around. Some of them came very close so we could follow them through the water and they were easy to photograph with Reykjavik in the background. There were also northern gannets flying above dolphins looking at them with their blue eyes. It was beautiful evening with companion of wildlife. 

- Ewa Malinowska 

Tour at 14:00

Report from hafsulan: Weather keeps improving and improving. Without any kind of strong winds, nor clouds, sunny August days are finally starting to be the trend in the south of Iceland. Unfortunately looks like the animals are taking it with a little bit of calm, and within the first 2 hours of the tour the only cetaceans we spotted were a small pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises. Then we finally got two see a minke whale, but just twice and that was it! Not our best tour for sure, and we were already heading towards Reykjavik when in the distance we spotted some scattered splashes. A large pod of 8-10 white beaked dolphins were feeding on the area. We got closer to check on the magnificent animals and we managed to stay there for quite a while. Completely focused on their hunting, we weren't anything to worry about by them and, thus, we ended up having a lovely tour. Nice to see some dolphins back in the bay!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Sailing out, sea conditions were great and with a clear sky and sunshine it was a good start into the tour. Visibility was great and allowed us to apreciate the landscape around us. About an hour into the tour we spotted a minke whale, which was awesome. We actually spotted a second close by as well and we had one of the whales come within 100m of the boat. The minkes seemed a little tricky today and were mostly elusive, however the third minke of the tour popped up fairly close to the boat and surfaced within 50 meters of the boat. Even though sightings were a little less than we would have liked, it was a wonderful day and an enjoyable trip. 

- Friedrich Rittner

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: What a lovely morning for a whale watching trip! The sun was up in the sky, shinning with fierce intensity and the sky was completely uncover, no clouds in our way, and the very best of all was that the sea was unusually calm. Everything combined together to have a great sailing experience, and it was. The tour was a little bit tricky because it took us a lot of time to find any sign of cetacean but we enjoyed wonderful views from Faxafloi, Snaefellsjokul was clearly visible in the distance and the scenery was brutal. But apart from that, we were there for whales and when were about to give up a gentle Minke whale just popped up in front of us! It spent a while with us surfacing less than 20 meters from our boat in several occasion giving us the chance to take good pictures of this astonishing animal. Seabirds were also active today and we spotted some northern gannets plunge-diving, Atlantic puffins flying in combat formation and tons of northern fulmars. The way back was smooth and extremely enjoyable.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Sunday morning started in calm way, with shining sun and beautiful landscape. Unfortunately soon as we left protection of mountains and city, cold wind from north hit us with freezing breeze. Sea was calm so looking for animals wasn't difficult. Quite fast we saw blow and shining body of surfacing minke whale. Unfortunately animal came up only once and after while of waiting we went further. Later on we saw another minke which surface twice before going for dive. Going in direction of Akranes, where we were hoping to find some dolphins we once again had short encounter with elusive minke whale. Despite fact that our passengers enjoyed sailing and scenery we offered them complimentary tickets to try look for whales one more time. 

- Ewa Malinowska

 Birds seen on today's tours include:northern gannets, black headed gull, Arctic terns, Atlantic puffins, common guillemots, eider duck, greater black-backed gull and northern fulmar.



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is little wind today and lets hope the sun will shine on us today. We are looking forward to you joining us on our search for these magnificent animals.