
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 19:00

Report from Hafsulan: This evening tour was a great finish of a beautiful day in Faxafloi. We started off with an early encounter of a pod of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins. The dolphins were milling and allowed us to have a good look at them. Later on we spotted a minke whale which was traveling, so it was quite easy to follow it around although it was swimming quite fast and surfaced very quickly. But at some point it stopped and surfaced a few times very slowly in less than 100m distance to the boat. At the same time another minke whale surfaced behind our vessel in about the same distance. This one obviousely found us! As the sea was very calm, we really got a great view at both of these minke whales. On our way back home we spotted another 2 pods of white-beaked dolphins (5-7 and 10-12 individuals), which were feeding in the same area. It was a pleasure to watch these dynamic animals hunting in their natural environment. We saw them speeding up, diving, coming close to the boat, jumping, swimming in a big circle and changing directions very quickly. Satisfied by all these amazing animals and the breath-taking sunset we relaxed listening to the live music by Bjarni on our way home.

- Nicole Koestner

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: It was a very nice evening sunny almost no wind and the sea was beautiful. When we left the harbour soon we found a pod of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins. They were very playfully and came right next to us so nice. They stayed with us for some time so we all had a good look at them so awesome! When we left them we found a minke whale. He was traveling and didn't came up many times but because the condition where so nice we got a good look at him. On the way back we got to enjoy 3-4 more white-beaked dolphins swimming next to the boat. Also the sun set was very pretty.

- Alexandra Bouman

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The afternoon turned out warmer than this morning and the winds were still very light, leaving us sailing out on a smooth water surface. It took us some time to find our first minke whale and when we did we saw it for four surfaces and then actually took the risk of leaving it for a different whale we heard of from our other boat. It was a risk as it was about 40 minutes out toward Keflavik and of course as this whale swims around free and uncontrolled, it could have left the area before we got there. Lucky us though, a beautiful humpback whale awaited us when we arrived. We could stay with it and notice how it got closer and closer to the boat, obviously gaining in trust, hear it's powerful blow and see it's fluke multiple times. With it was another minke whale, but the humpback was the star of the show. On our way back towards Reykjavík we encountered a pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins that were milling and also came very close to us. We also saw another 2 minke whales close by but had no time to stop for them. With the great weather and plentiful wildlife everyone had a blast.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: It was great afternoon! With perfect weather we sailed out to explore bay. After around half hour suddenly minke whale surface next to our boat. We stopped to take a better look. Whale was in very pro-whale-watching mood because its stayed close to us, sometimes surfacing less then 3M from the boat.Had nice surfacing pattern, always 3-4 times up before diving so all of us had a chance to take photos and identified this individuals as Bones. We even could smell how stinky it can be! When we decided to go further we found another minke, smaller then previous but again very friendly. Trying to find another animals we found two more minke whales. This time we didn't stay to look at them because in a distance humpback whale wait for us! At the end of the tour we spend nice time following this huge animal and even had a chance to take photos of a whale tail! We came back late but it was worthy! 

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: This morning the bay of Faxafloi welcomed us with a very light breeze and mild temperatures. The sea was very calm and together with the slight cloud cover provided almost perfect spotting conditions. After sailing for about one hour we spotted some splashes in the distance, quickly approaching our vessel. It turned out to be a pod of 9-11 white-beaked dolphins. Among them at least 4 juveniles which were quite curious, surfaced many times close to us and even showed off with some acrobatic jumps. We enjoyed these amazing dolphins around us for about half an hour before we headed over to one of the other whale watching boats which spotted a minke whale. Although we had to wait for quite a while for this whale to resurface, we were lucky enough to have a few brief looks at it before it went for a deeper dive and then headed off to another area. As this whale acted quite elusive, we decided to not run after it but respectfully keep our distance and watched a few more surfacings from further away before we headed back to the old harbor of Reykjavík.

- Nicole Koestner

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: it was a nice morning not to cold and the sea was calm. It took us a bit of time before spotting our first cetaceans. But than we found a pod of 3 white-backed dolphins. They where traveling and difficult to follow. So we continued and found an other pod of 4-5 white-backed dolphins they where not really traveling and some where even jumping around also they got very close to the boat so we could have a good look at them, so nice! But they left us soon. On the way back we found a minke whale that came up three times in was in the distance but because the sea was so nice we got to see him very nicely. 

- Alexandra Bouman

 Birds seen on today's tours include:northern gannets, black headed gull, Arctic terns, Atlantic puffins, common guillemots, eider duck, greater black-backed gull and northern fulmar.


We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is little wind but fully clouded. Hope you will be able to join us today.