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Tour status 17:00: CANCELLED

Tour status 13:00: CANCELLED

Due to a storm and therefore unfavorable sea conditions we unfortunately have to cancel our Whale Watching Tour at 13:00. If you have any further questions please contact our ticket office at +354 519 5000 or via e-mail by

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Under overcast sky, welcomed with cold rain and prepared for strong wind, we sailed out and started of begin surprised by very good conditions. In the morning sea was calm, flat and full of life. Since we left harbour we were watching northern gannets flying above our heads and then plunge diving in hunt for fish. Suddenly more splashes appeared around. Big pod of 8 - 10 harbour porpoises came across. Small cetaceans were swimming extremely fast, surfacing in synchrony in long line, one following another. We were still looking for them when we spotted dorsal fins of dolphins. Group of 10 - 15 individuals of white-beaked dolphins give us a show. Animals split in two, one pod fast went in the direction of bay, other stay with us making circles around our boat. It was fun, but it was just beginning of tour, so we left dolphins for a while, to explore more. After passing big flock of birds, we got a call that other boat saw minke whale. Shortly after our arrival in the place, we discovered another pod of white beaked-dolphins. 4 individuals were feeding there but they were also interested in us, coming close to the boat. Before coming back we decided to check one more area. Wind started to be stronger and we had more and more waves. Falling rain also didn't help in looking for animals. We still were able to meet one more pod of dolphins! We spend with them rest of our time. Incredible how many dolphins were today in the bay and how friendly they were, all the time coming to us by them-self. 

- Ewa Malinowska


Birds seen during our tour: black-backed gull, black-headed gull, northern fulmar, northern gannet, common guillemot, sooty shearwater

Tour status 9:00: RUNNING

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. The sea will be a bit rough so if you are sensitive to motion sickness we offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge! On board there are heated indoor areas but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. For further information you can contact our ticket office at or +354 519 5000.