
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Status Tour 13:00: CANCELLED

Due to the wind getting stronger already and therefore unfavourable conditions at sea we unfortunately have to cancel our tour at 13:00 today. For more information please contact us via phone at +354 519 5000 or by e-mail at

Tour at 9:00: 

Report from Eldey: We has expected it to be a very windy tour, so the conditions were no actually a positive surprise. It was definitely very windy but the swell was less than we had thought. There were still white caps but with a trained eye, spotting was more than possible. Thus, we had 3 encounters this tour, starting with a pod of 2 white-beaked dolphins. We even recognized one of them as a dolphin we have seen every year since 2011, which was great! However, they weren't interested in being around the boat so we left them after about 10 minutes, once everyone had had a chance to have a good look at them. Further out we encountered our first minke whale of the day. Although it was moving very fast, it did come up numerous times and one of it's surface sequences was rather close by. The second minke we encountered later on got even closer, probably only about 20 m from us. While both encounteres were short, we still got a good look at the animals performing their natural behaviour around us.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen today: Common Gull, Common Guillemot and Eider Duck.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. There will be some movement on the boat due to some wind coming from the East but if you are sensitive to motion sickness we offer preventative tablets in the ticket office and on board of our boat, free of charge! For any further information please contact us at +354 519 5000 or via e-mail at