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Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather was beautiful when we sailed out of the harbour, but the sunshine did not last for long. After less then 20 minutes it started raining and the wind picked up. The visibility was not as good as on the morning tour, and some white caps were forming around us. We sailed straight to the area where we saw the minke whale in the morning, the birds were still there. After a long wait without any sighting of a whale we decided to keep on going. We sailed towards the area where we saw the dolphins and saw nothing. We were about to turn around to go back to harbour when we spotted 3 white beaked dolphins within 100 meters distance. At first we only saw their dorsal fins poking out of the water, we slowed down and then the most exciting thing happened! They came close and started breaching, again and again right next to the boat! This was by far the best sighting we had all day. Although we only stayed with them for a short time we got plenty of pictures of the dolphins in the air! What a great end to a nice day out on the bay.

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir 

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: What a beautiful morning in the bay. With the sun coming up in our back we sailed out into a very calm sea today. The crystal-clear air and the magnificent view were just breath-taking. While enjoying the sun on the upper deck the time just flew by and very soon we found ourselves out in the bay welcomed by a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins. This first group showed some acrobatic jumps when we approached them and then sticked around the boat for a little while probably watching us while we were watching them. A little later we had a brief encounter with another two white-beaked dolphins - a mum with her calf. The young was still quite small and always stayed very close to its mum. They surfaced a couple of times in less than 20m to our vessel before we decided to head further out. On our big circle out in the bay we saw another pod of 5 white-beaked dolphins which traveled by and then started breaching when there was some distance between them and the boat. Wow! What a great show!! On our way back we spotted a big flock of feeding seabirds making us hope to spot some bigger whales in the area. Thus, we waited quite a while watching the birds and scanning the water surface for any sign of cetaceans. But nothing... So we started making our way back to Reykjavik. But then, when the boat just reached some speed, another pod of dolphins showed up approaching us from the front. But when we stopped to watch them we were surprised by another bigger animal: A minke whale surfaced a couple of times in some distance. What a nice end of a great morning tour!

- Nicole Koestner

Birds seen during our tours: northern fulmar, northern gannet, greater black-backed gull, common guillemots, black headed gulls, kittiwakes, Iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, sooty shearwaters, razorbills, northern gannets, herring gulls, long tailed ducks, eider ducks.


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There will be some swells out on Faxabay still after the storm but we do have seasickness tablets free of charge at the ticket office. For more information please contact us via phone at +354 519 5000 or by e-mail at