
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: When sailing out from the old harbour of Reykjavik, we were welcomed by a calm sea and only little wind coming from the north west. As the sky was slighlty covered by clouds, the spotting conditions were close to perfect. On this tour it did not take long to spot our first cetaceans. Two white-beaked dolphins were spotted in some distance. When we got closer to them we saw that they were most likely feeding as they surfaced again and again in the very same area but fastly changing directions. However, after a while the meal seemed to be over and the dolphins disappeared from our sight. Thus, we continued our way out in the bay. A little while later we were called by another boat and informed that they spotted a minke whale in the area. Soon when we approached the area, we saw the minke surface two times in still some distance to our vessel and briefly after another one surfacing once a few meters behind us. Then we had to wait for quite a bit... When we already thought we lost the whales and the sea started to be a little rougher due to increasing winds, one minke surfaced several times in less than 50m to us allowing everyone to have a good look at this beauty. What an award for being patient and holding out in the crispy cold Icelandic weather and a great end of a whale watching day here in Faxafloi.

- Nicole Koestner

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: What a stunning Icelandic morning! The swell was long and smooth today ensuring a relaxed ride under a beautiful blue sky. With a hot coffee in our hands we welcomed the new day watching the sunrise behind the skyline of Reykjavik. The bay of Faxafloi still seemed to be asleep. We sailed for quite a while without seeing a glimpse of any wildlife - just the peaceful dark blue water. But suddenly the scenery changed: A pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins. Among them: two calves. One of them much smaller than the other!! What a great encounter. The dolphins surfaced a couple of times close to our boat and did not seemed to be bothered by us at all. According to our fish finder and the many birds in the area, the pod was most likely feeding and very focused on their prey. We enjoyed watching this pod for a while before we started heading back home to the old harbour of Reykjavik. this tour was definitely a great start into this wonderful winter day.

- Nicole Koestner


Bird life seen on today's tours: common guillemot, northern gannet, black-backed gull, Icelandic gull, manx shearwater