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wednesday, 11 September 2013

Tour at 17:00

We once again sailed out from Hafnafjordur and it was really nice to feel the wind calm down even though the rain seemed to have gotten stronger. This was the best tour of the day as we got to see two Minke Whales, one close up for a long time and another in the distance which we saw a few times. The Minke Whale travelled a long distance stopping occasionally to feed. After a great time with the minke we headed downstairs to the salon to get out of the rain had a nice hot chocolate and listened to some music. It turned out to be a really nice tour dispite the weather.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 13:00

We sailed out from Hafnafjoudur to stay near the coast where the sea conditions were better, which they were but the wind was still strong and the clouds started to cloud over and get darker, rain was soon to come. We travelled along the Reykjanes peninsula all the way past Vogar with still no luck except from a gannets passing and fulmars gliding by. We then we got word from another whale watchig vessel that they had a couple of good looks of a Minke Whale. It was about 20 minutes sailing away but we weren't having much luck so far ourselves so we headed there. The minke was going for long dives so it was quite difficult to spot it but the crew saw it 4-5 times but not sure how many times the passengers got to see it as it was in the distance, that was about it. We were not happy about this encounter so we offered our passengers a chance to come back with us again for free.

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

We sailed out from Reykjavik this morning, we expected some swell but was surprised by how much swell there was. We knew that soon we be in better waters once we got a bit of cover from the land but it was some rough sailing before we got there. There was a mixture of happy and green faces onboard. The first half of the tour was the worst as the second half we were sailing with the wind and swell making it nice and smooth. The sun even came out too on the way back. Unfortunately no whales wanted to come and play on this tour but it was nice to see the landscape and be on the water, well for the second half of the tour. we gave our passengers complimentary tickets in hope they would have better luck with the whales and weather.

-Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on today's tours included: Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Lesser black-backed Gulls, Glaucous Gulls, Eider Ducks, Guillemots.