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Saturday, 14 September 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the evening, the wind was going a bit down, but we were still facing long waves rolling in from the North Atlantic making this tour exciting for those that enjoyed the roller coaster ride, but surely less enjoyable for those with sensitiveness to sea sickness. Again, we tried very hard and scanned the bay thoroughly, but this time the sea seemed very empty with almost no seabirds and not a single whale sighting on this tour. Even though it was disappointing to see no whales around, the sun down was very beautiful reminding us of the beauty in the small things. Also, everyone got the chance to see whales on another tour with us by taking advantage of the complementary tickets we gave out to our passengers. Thank you very much for the nice chats I had with you! I hope to see you soon on one of our upcoming whale-watching tours!

- Hendrik Schultz

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the afternoon, the sea was still chopy and the bay was covered in clouds. We sailed towards where we had seen the Minke Whale earlier, but even though we tried very hard, we were not able to find it again. It was only towards the end of the tour when everyone had almost given up hope when we spotted a group of 4 White-beaked Dolphins on the left side of our boat. We were happy to see them surfacing a few times, but were a bit disappointed when they decided to vanish without a trace. In total, the tour was rather difficult with only one very brief dolphin sighting in the very end. Therefore, we gave out complementary tickets to our passengers, which are valid for two years and enable them to come back on another tour within two years.

- Hendrik Schultz

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the morning, the wind was blowing relatively strong and we were facing long waves from the North Atlantic as we sailed out faxa bay. It took us quite a while of sailing and we had to be very patient before we were able to find something. At first, it was just a glimpse of a Harbour Porpoise, but a few moments later, we spotted a Minke Whale surfacing relatively close by. Sadly, we could only see it a couple of times before it left without any trace, but we were happy too see it in the rough sea. In the end, it was agroup of 4 White-beaked Dolphins on the way back that made this morning's tour a fun time at sea. Thanks for saying hello you sweet little dolphins!

- Hendrik Schultz

Birds seen on today's tours included: Northern Gannets, Razor Bills, Black-headed Gulls, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Storm Petrel, Fulmars