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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We thought the day could not get any better...we were wrong! It did take us longer on this tour to find the Minke Whales and unfortunately it was only Minke Whales that we saw but they were fantastic. We saw at least 2 minkes and knew of more in the area and they came very close to the boat 15-20 meters from us on many occasions. Finally we had some nice encounters, they have been very difficult over the last couple of weeks whether that was due to weather, food shortage or the whaling we don´t know, maybe it is to do with all three. It was worth the wait, fantastic minkes in fantasic weather.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Finally a nice weather and wildlife tour, on that we all deserved over the last few weeks of bad weather and difficult animal. Today we got to see 2-3 pods of White-beaked Dolphins (3-7 animals in each pod). They were mainly busy feeding but when they weren´t chasing fish they came to say hello, turning on their sides to look up at all the happy passengers. Then it was the Minkes time to shine, we saw at least 2-3 different animals, one of the minke whales was one we know very well called Humpie, we have been seeing Humpie for the last 3 years and seen alot of him/her this summer. There was a lot of slashing going on with the minkes as it was surfacing very fast, there must have been a lot of fish near the surface. On the way back to Reykjavik we spotted the White-beaked Dolphins again and a quick glimpse of Harbour Porpoises. Wonderful tour, we all really hope it continues this way.

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on today´s tour includes; Fulmars, Gannets, Seagulls, Cormorants.