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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the afternoon, the wind had picked up slightly, but the swell was still low and it was nice to sail out to the sea once more. We went towards where we had seen the dolphins in the morning, but what we found surprised us in a very positive way. There were 3 to 4 Minke Whales and a couple of Harbour Porpoises. One of the minkes was Humpie a minke whale that visits us since 2011 and was frequently observed in faxa bay this year. As usual, humpie was not shy at all and surfaced many times and often close to our boat. We stayed with the minke whales all throughout the tour and it was very nice to have so much time with them. On our way back, the wind picked up and it started raining, but this could not negatively affect our mood after such a nice afternoon tour.

- Hendrik Schultz

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This morning, the sky was overcast, but the sea nice and calm, which was very nice after so many rough days in the last week. As we went out we were happy to see a couple of Harbour Porpoises. The shy creatures showed themselves a few times and we were happy about this nice start of the tour. Soon after, we spotted a Minke Whale surfacing about 80 meters away and even though we only saw it a couple of times, we were happy about the experience and had hope for more. Indeed, just a few minutes later, we met a group of 2 to 4 White beaked Dolphins. Waaw, the third species on this morning. We got a few very nice looks at them while they surfaced several times next to our boat. However, the best was still waiting for us. On the way to Reykjavik, we found ourselves surrounded by 15 to 20 White beaked Dolphins, a large pod with some individuals jumping out far of the water - what an amazing highlight of this fantastic morning tour!

- Hendrik Schultz

Birds seen on today's tours included: Northern Gannets, Black-backed Gulls, Fulmars, Common Guillemots