
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is wind coming in from the East so there will be movement on the boat and we do have seasickness tablets free of charge at the ticket office. Today is also cold, so do not be shy to make use of our warm overalls on board the boat. 

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Today the sky was slightly cloudy but the visibility still very good. Cold wind blew strongly from the east giving us some extra push when starting our tour. Our captain decided to take a turn around Engey which is one of the small islands located close to the old harbor of Reykjavik since we had spotted some dolphins in this area very close to the land in the last days. And also today, we found a great pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins, just after we passed Engey. In the beginning the dolphins stayed in some distance to the boat chasing after some prey. But after a few minutes watching them further away, they decided to come closer to the boat. We spotted at least two calves among them. They seemed to still be very young as they appeared to be tiny compared to the biggest of the dolphins in the pod. We watched the dolphins for about half an hour wave riding, breaching and even approaching the boat, so that we got to see them in less than 10m to our vessel. After this great encounter we decided to leave this group when another whale watching vessel joined us. Due to the strong wind from the east we stayed close to the land to not have to face any bigger waves and sailed north west looking for bigger whales towards Hvalfjörður and Akranes. We found another pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins. But this pod did not seem to be in whale watching mood and only surfaced 3 times before disappearing. Thus, we decided to head further out. Although we covered quite a big area, there did not seem to be any bigger cetaceans around this afternoon. So, facing the strong wind on our way back, we still enjoyed the great view and kept the beautiful dolphins in mind.

-Nicole Koestner

Bird species seen on today's tour include: black-headed gull, glaucous gull, iceland gull, kittiwake, eider duck, greater black-backed gull, long-tailed duck, common guillemot.