
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The ocean was smooth and skies were clear as we sailed out into the bay in search for cetacean. The conditions provided great spotting conditions and it wasn't a long wait before we encountered a small pod of 4 or 5 white beaked dolphins. The pod were easily seen as the tall, dark dorsal fins were shining in the golden glow of the back lit sun.They moved slowly through the area and remained in a restful state as we watched. They continued along their course, seemingly undisturbed by our presence and then chose to come closer to the vessel, providing our passengers with great views. The animals remained restfully swimming for over 30 minutes before going down for slightly longer. We were happy with our experience and chose to move on in order to find something else. We searched far and wide but only found an abundance of seabirds from that point on. The dolphins were great to see and everyone on board left happy.

- Mike Smith

Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, eider duck, long tailed duck, common guillemot, iceland gull, glaicous gull, greater black backed gull, great cormorant

We will be sailing out from the Old harbour in Reykjavik today. Conditions look good but if you are sensitive to seasickness we do provide tablets for motion sickness free of charge both at our ticket office and on board. We hope you can join us today!