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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: the wind had slowed down and the sea conditions were much better. After a very long time searching we saw some Nothern Gannets that were hunting, and seconds later 6-8 White-beaked dolphins that were feeding. They moved fast and jumped out of the ocean. It was a great sighting and we were able to follow them for a while before we had to head to the Reykjavík harbour. It was a good tour and hopefully there will be more life in the bay tomorrow. - Freydís Ósk


Tour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan: the wind was strond as we headed out this morning and the sea conditions a little rough, but not horrible.After a long search a Minke Whale surfaced right next to the boat. We looked for the animal for some time with out any luck but all of a sudden the Minke Breached (jumped out of the water and hit the ocean surface making a big splash) behind us. It breached about 7-9 times and we could even see the white belly of the animal. Unfortunately it was moving fast away from us so we only saw it about 100-200 meters away, but it was still an amazing sighting. We ended out tour in Hafnarfjörður because we were so far away from Reykjavík, and we wanted to spend more time with the fun Minke! - Freydís ÓskBirds seen on todays tours include: Fulmars, Black-backed Gulls, Northern Gannets & Guillemots