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Friday, 27 September 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was still extremely beautiful, perfect day to be out in nature. The wind had calmed down too which was great. The wildlife had changed however and now very elusive on this tour. We got to see two pods of White-beaked Dolphins but they were very difficult to follow and they did not allow us to get too close, always going for a deep dive. We left them in peace to try an look for minke whales, we did see one blow but that was it for the whole tour, one blow. It always amazes us how quickly nature changes, especially because this morning was so good. We decided that for us this was not the best of tours wildlife wise and so we decided to offer our passengers complimentary tickets.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in a crispy wintry air, bright sunshine and more wind than expected. We traveled to the same area as the last couple of days, there was a fishing boat in the is this morning which seemed to be getting a good catch since the hundreds of seagulls and fulmars were sticking close behind. This must be a good area and soon we spotted a Minke Whale fast surfacing, it was only seen twice before disappearing, not passengers got to see this particular minke but then soon White-beaked Dolphins soon found us, a pod of 5-7 animals and even a calf joined in, surfacing with its mother. We enjoyed the company of the dolphins until they too became too elusive. We went searching for more Minke Whales and actually found two animals before we had to head back to the harbour. The passengers got a great look of these, as they surfaced many time and one surfaced very close to the boat to get some nice pictures. cold but nice morning tour.

-Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour included; Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Lesser black backed Gulls, Glaucous Gulls, Common Guillemots, Razorbills, Cormorants, Eider Ducks.