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Tour at 09:00 and 13:00: RUNNING FROM ANOTHER HARBOUR

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: What a wonderful afternoon that we have experienced during the last tour of the day. We departure from Grindavik as well, to make a tour around the south-west of Reykjaness. As usual during the last days, wildlife activity was huge but a species that we haven't seen for a while decided to join us. Out of nowhere, a pod of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins appeared riding the waves that our boat generated. After a while following them, they decided to check us out and they were swimming under us, showing us their well-known curiosity towards humans. But it wasn't all. When we were in the southwest corner of Reykjaness, we spotted some blows in the horizon. As soon as we arrived, humpback whales started to pop up everywhere. First , one single individual and later on a couple mother-calf and to round up the experience two more in the way.  A total of 5 humpbacks whales! it was insanely beautiful. In our way back to Sandgerði, we enjoyed a relaxing sailing experience and we saw in the distance the previous pod of white-beaked dolphins enjoying themselves while leaping and feeding. It was a perfect day for wildlife watching.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan  

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Starting our tour from Grindavik, we headed out of the harbor with high expectations of spotting wildlife at sea. With the sun warming us and lots of different bird species greeting us along the way. Eldey didn't sail too far out when we already saw our first spout! 2 humpback whales were diving, surfacing and showing us their fluke tails in all directions out of the boat. A special treat was the juvenile humpback whale which was very relaxed and spent long times on the surface in the vicinity of our ship. With these beautiful images in our memory, we sailed back to the harbor, leaving the two whales to enjoy their hard earned meal of fish and krill. 

-Lucas Heinrich

Birds seen during our tour: black-legged kittiwake, northern fulmar, northern gannet, glaucous gull, great black-backed gull, eider duck.


We will be sailing from GRINDAVÍK today at 13:00, as we have been lucky with the sightings the past days in that area, and are hoping that will continue as we want to give our passengers the best possible chance to see the whales. 

A bus will be ready and waiting for passengers at our ticket office in the Old Harbour in Reykjavik and drive off to Grindavik at the scheduled departure time at no extra charge. After the tour the boat will end in Sandgerði Harbour where the bus will be waiting to take our guests back to Reykjavik.

We expect the tour to run for roughly 5 hrs. today and warn that this may impact COMBO tours. Guests that are unable to join the tour due to it's length are advised to contact their travel planner and check for alternatives and other options.