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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tour at 17:00:

Report from Hafsúlan: It was rather could as we headed out for our afternoon tour from Reykjavík. We headed straight to where we had seen the Minke Whales earlier that day. We spotted a flock of birds and stopped there for a while. We saw two Minke Whales there but both of them only surfaced once and then they were gone. Our fish finder showed a lot of fish by the bottom so they were probably staying down very long, feeding. We continued our search for a while until we finally saw some White-beaked Dolphins. This was a pod of 8-10 individuals and some of them came up right next to the boat. On our way back we stopped in Engey and saw a few puffins sitting on the water around the island.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: This afternoon conditions were much the same as this morning when we headed out onto the bay for the second time today. The tour began with forty minute sailing towards an area where our sister vessel Hafúslan had spotted some cetaceans. Shortly after we arrived we spotted lots of feeding seabirds and soon after our first cetacean of the tour was spotted, a Minke whale that surface about sixty meters in front of the boat. We spotted this individual in addition to at least around 4 others in the same area and saw them very well as they surfaced. They traveled fast and surfaced all round the boat making the passengers switch sides repeatedly but it was very worth and hopefully some good photos were taken. Then as we prepared to leave a different kind of dorsal fin was spotted. We looked closer and it surfaced again and we had just spotted the White-beaked dolphins as well! They surfaced slowly in front of us at first then swam quickly behind us and surfaced very close to the boat. Then towards the end of the tour we saw a dolphin swim towards us and then surface just meters away from the boat in a behavior called bow riding, an amazing sight! We then ended this fantastic tour with a visit to the puffins at Akurey and Engey.

-Ívar Elí Sveinsson

Tour at 13:00

Report from Skrúður: We left from Reykjavík and the weather was even better than this morning. The sun was shining and it was quite hot. We headed straight out to sea and began our watch for whales. At first we didn't see much at first, but then we spotted out first flock of birds. We headed towards it and began to wait and see if any life would show itself close by. Just as we were about to keep moving on our way a Minke Whaleappeared right behind the boat. It made its way behind the boat and showed itself a few times before continuing on its way. We then headed towards an area where we had heard there were a couple of whales. We quickly spotted a minke whale and got to see it surface a few times as well. We then saw another individual and this one came fairly close to the boat. We began our way back to the harbour, but not without being surprised one last time. A minke whale appeared to the front and left of our boat and made its way along the side of the boat showing itself very well. It then came up out of the water right next to the back end of our boat went under water and we could continue to see it as it swam close to the ocean's surface and it came back up bringing its head up and our of the water for all of to see. We left extremely happy and stopped by Engey (Puffin Island). At this island there did not seem to be many puffins, but five little puffins decided to come out of their burrows and say hello to our guests. It was a perfect photo opportunity. A wonderful ending to a wonderful tour.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We headed out today in good conditions with the sun shining down on us and light winds from the northwest. Today we began the tour with a visit to Lundey to see the puffins. Unfortunately there were not many puffins at home, most likely they were out hunting for food. We then went further out to start our search for the whales. Things looked good as we got further out with lots of feeding seabirds in the area and reports of minkes from surrounding whale watching vessels. We searched on and caught a glimpse or two of something that might have been a whale amidst the feeding birds and the beautiful diving gannets. Unfourtunately for us though this time around the whales were simply being elusive or there was not enough food around and we did not spot any whales this tour depiste our best efforts. All passengers were given complimentary tickets after the tour which are valid for two years and give a 15% discount at our gift shop and our restaurant MAR and we hope to see them again!

-Ívar Elí Sveinsson

Tour at 9:00

Report from Skrúður: We headed out to sea and the sun was shining bright on Reykjavík. We stopped by Akurey (Puffin Island) and we saw a few Puffins on the sea in front of their island. We headed out to sea and began looking for any signs of life. There were many birds and we spotted a large flock of birds of in the distance. We headed towards the flock and soon we spotted our first blow. There was another and then we saw our first Minke Whale surface and show its large back. We continued to see this individual surface close to the boat. It then came up under the flock of birds and rolled on top of the water. After a little while it popped up in front of the boat breaching half way and bringing its head and body out of the water. It was very spectacular and very rare to see a minke whale behave like this. We saw this whale surface a few more times and then we headed back towards the harbour. It was a great tour.

-Taylor Theódór

Birds seen on todays tour include: Razorbills, Guillemot, Puffins, Gannet, Kittiwakes, Fulmers, Gulls, Great and Arctic Skuas.