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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Tour at 17:00

Unfortunately we had to cancel our 17:00 tour due to rough weather conditions.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We headed out from Hafnarfjörður and the weather seemed to be a bit better than this morning. We had high hopes despite not seeing an whales this morning and even two of our passengers from our morning tour decided to use their complementary tickets to come along again today because they found it so fun to be at sea. We soon saw many more birds than this morning including the northern gannet and the arctic tern. Even some puffins flew by now and again. We all were together on the very top deck of our boat keeping look out for any signs of whales or other sea life here in the bay. The whales seemed to still be hiding away somewhere else most likely due to the lack of food in the bay. We stopped by Engey to see some lovely puffins peeping their heads out of their burrow before we headed back into the Reykjavík harbour. Because the whale were not willing to show themselves today all of our passengers received complementary tickets.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out again from Hafnarfjörður and sailed around and searched. The bay wasn't lively but we saw some birds but unfortunately no whales, it could be because of lack of food in the bay because none of the birds seemed to be feeding. We decided to end our tour in Reykjavík as the weather seemed to have slowed down there so at least we could visit Lundey, one of the Atlantic Puffin Islands here around Reykjavik where we saw some Puffins. The Island wasn't crowded which is understandable because the puffin season is comming to an end and the puffins have started to head closer to Greenland and Newfound land where they stay over the winter. We gave all of our passengers complementary tickets and hope to see them again as soon as possible and hopefully they will have better luck then! - Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We headed out from Reykjavík. The weather was not as lovely as in the past days, but that did not stop us from getting excited about going whale watching today. We stopped at Engey (Puffin Island) to see some of the puffins and they surprised us by poking their heads out from within their burrows to say hello. We also saw a few flying on by our boat. We headed out to sea and the waves were not as rough as we had expected which is good. We started out look out to see if we could see any signs of luck, but we did not see any signs. We continued looking, but it may be that there was not much food in the bay for them today. Our passengers, however, all received complementary tickets and they have the chance to come experience whale watching with us anytime with in the next two years. We headed back towards the harbour in Hafnarfjörður where a bus was waiting to pick up our passengers and bring them back to Reykjavík.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 9:00Report from Hafsúla: We headed out from the harbour in Hafnarfjörður this morning as the weather in Reykjavík wasn't as good. We saile out in a bit of wind and a few rain drops but the sea wasn't that wavy. We searched for a long time with out any sightings accept from some sea birds like the nothern Gannet. The way back to the harbour was a bit rougher so it was kind of an icelandic sea adventure. We gave all of our guests complementary tickets which allows them to come back with us for free and is good for two years and we sure do hope that we will see them again soon ! - Freydís Ósk HjörvardóttirBirds seen on today's tour: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Arctic Tern, Arctic Skua, Fulmar.