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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out to sea and the wind had picked up a bit from this afternoon, but the sky was more or less clear and the sun was shining. In Iceland whenever the sun is out we count that to be a great day. We headed straight out to sea to look for any signs of life, but did not see much happening. In the distance we saw some splashing and decided to follow it to see what it might be. Suddenly a Minke Whale appeared in front of the boat. We could see its dorsal fin descend into the water. We waited to see if it would come back to the surface, but we did not see it again. Soon not too far from where we were there appeared another minke. This individual surfaced a few times and then disappeared. We continued on our way to look for more whales, but they seemed to be quite elusive. We did however get a few glimspses of Harbour Porpoises. We headed back towards the harbour and stopped at Engey to seed all sorts of lovely Puffins.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: The winds had calmed down a little on this tour and our passengers could make use of the bottom deck without getting too wet as we headed out into the bay after taking a quick stop at puffin island. As soon as we got to the area we were the last tour which took about 50 minutes sailing we got all the action straight away, had at least 3 Minke Whales around us loads of birds, gannets diving into the water, puffins batheing themselves, fulmurs whizzing past yoru ears. It was fantastic. The minkes even came close enough that you could hear the sound of the blow, see the white of the pectoral fins and even smell the sticky breathe of the whale, I can actually still taste it now, yuck ;) Great day out at sea.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out to sea and the weather was significantly better than this morning. The waves had calmed down and the wind was very calm as well. We stopped by Engey to see if we could meet some lovely puffins today and they were outside of their burrows hanging out in the sun. We headed out to sea and eventually found a Minke Whale. This individual showed itself many times and we were lucky to see it so very close to the boat. It seemed to be feeding as there were also many northern gannets diving into the sea and fishing in the same area. It is always beautiful to see those birds dive along side a beautiful whale. We spent most our out time watching these birds and this individual whale and eventually headed back to the harbour. It was a lovely tour and we were very lucky to have some nice weather.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: Finally the sun was shining morning, somewhat cold but nice and sunny. We started off at Engey to say hello to the puffins and was thrilled to see many at home. We then sailed out in choppy seas to the area other other whale watching boat had been seeing whales. We got there and found loads of Gannets plunging into the water which is always cool to watch but no whales. I just finished talking in the microphone, saying that "these are wild animals and some need more patience than others" when suddenly a Minke Whale surfaced just to our right. Things started to get interesting then, got to see at least three different individuals and birds feeding all around us. We unfortunately couldn´t spend too long with them as we were already running late so we headed home knowing that a little patience pays off in the end.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a sunny morning but quite windy when we sailed out this morning. We visited Engey, the Puffin Island first where we were lucky to see many Puffins sitting in front of their burrows and a couple of them flying around. As we sailed out it took us about 30 minutes before we saw flocks of sea birds and we slowed down to see if there were some whales in the area. We were lucky to see several blows and a bit later a Minke Whale surfaced quite close to the boat. It was a bit harder to spot them because of the waves but we still got a good look at them even though they were traveling quite fast. We had 3 or 4 different Minkes in the area and a lot of Northern Gannets which was very nice to see as well.

-Lisa Hofmann