
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather was still good as in the morning, perfect conditions to search for some cetaceans. As we had some great success on our morning tour, we knew already where to start looking for them. On the way there we encountered 2 times some 2-3 harbour porpoises. It was quite difficult to spot them but the little splashes were quite obvious. But at this moment we saw a really big splash further out, some breaching humpback whale! We could not wait to come closer and where following the movement of the animal but spotting its blow when we realized that there where at least 2 individuals. The first animal we reached was lunge feeding and diving around our boat. To all our delight it kept constantly showing its fluke, so we could take some great identification pictures. Suddenly a second individual caught our attention as it stared breaching further away so we started heading there. We were really looking forward that it would jump just one more time and it did, just about 50m next to our boat, leaving us all speechless! What an impressive behavior seeing up so close. We stayed with this animal a little bit longer as a second individual joined in and we could spot another blow a bit further out, making it a total of 3 humpback whales on this tour. Just incredible!!!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: It didn't´t feel like first day of summer when we sailed out in the wind and rain, but the overalls kept us warm. It took more than an hour to reach the main area where we have been watching the humpback whales lately. The feast was clearly still going on today. Huge flocks of sea birds and 4 humpback whales were busy feeding when we arrived. We slowed down the boat when we got closer and started watching the animals around us lunge feeding. One of the humpback whales came extra close to the boat, it lunged out of the water multiple times within 10 meters of the boat, I swear that sometimes it was so close that I thought it might have touched the boat! It was such a unique and exciting encounter that we felt truly difficult to leave the animal at the end of the tour.  Who doesn't want to celebrate first day of summer in the company of cheerful humpback whales?!

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Bird species seen on today's tours include: eider duck, northern fulmar, northern gannet, Atlantic puffin, common guillemot, black guillemot, black-legged kittiwake, black-headed gull, lesser black-backed gull, cormorant, oystercatchers.

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is some wind and swells out on Faxabay so if you are sensitive to motion sickness we do have seasickness tablets free of charge at the ticket office. On board there are heated indoor areas but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. For more information please contact us via phone at +354 519 5000 or by e-mail at