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Status Tour 17:00: CANCELLED

Unfortunately we have to cancel our Whale Watching tour at 5pm today due to strong winds and unfavorable sea conditions. 

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: Again, we departure from Keflavik, located in a part of Faxaflói which is more sheltered from the wind, as the sea condition there were calmer than in Reykjavik, and favorable for a good whale-watching experience. The weather changed constantly throughout the trip, it swapped bewteen sun, snowing and hailing the whole tour, the wind also picked up quite a lot during the tour, this was nothing that surprices us here in Iceland. About an hour and half in, we spotted a minke whale, that surfaced several times as it was circling in the same area around the boat, never going for very long dives. We were able to witness large flocks of  northern gannets that dove after fish right next to our boat! Other commen birds seen on the tour were manx shearwater, black-legged kittiwakes, Atlantic puffins, and northern fulmars. Close to the flocks of birds we spotted another minke whale, this sighting was shorter but we managed to see it surface a few times close to the boat. We stayed in the area where we spotted it for a bit, before eventually making our way back to the harbor, as we enjoyed the sight of the beautiful Reykjanes peninsula.

-Anne Moullier

Tour 09.00

Report from Elding: We sailed out from Keflavik Harbour, finally with steady weather and sun shine. The visibillity was good so we were optimistic to find animals. Soon we spotted 3 harbour porpoises which swam by the boat fast. We later saw a big flock of northern gannets and went to explore the area. The gannets started feeding in front of the boat, and we found oursefl in the middle of a feast. It was a amazing view and the gannets put on quite the show. Sadly on this trip, the larger cetaceans didnt appear, and we gave the passengers complimentary tickets. Hopefully they will have more luck on their next trip!

-Mia Rasmussen

Bird species seen on today's tours: northern fulmar, Atlantic puffin, northern gannets, manx shearwater, common guillemot, razorbills, black-legged kitiwake, great black backed gull, lesser black backed gull, iceland gull, arctic tern, arctic skua.

Status tour 09:00 and 13:00 : RUNNING FROM ANOTHER HARBOR We will be sailing out from KEFLAVÍK today due to unfavourable conditions out of Reykjavík. A bus will be ready and waiting for passengers here in the Old Harbour and drive off to Keflavík at the scheduled departure times. After the tours we will return to Reykjavík by bus again. This will result in a slightly longer tour, or between 4-5 hrs. and could impact COMBO tours. Guests that are unable to join the tour because of it's length should contact their travel planner immediately to arrange for a different activity or check for other options provided by them. For more information please contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.