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Wednesday, 14 august 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a rainy afternoon when we headed straight out into the bay. We saw many Northern Gannets, even diving so we suspected some whales in the area but unfortunately even after driving out very far we couldn´t see any animals so we gave our passengers complementary tickets valid for 2 years so they could come back on another tour with us for free.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We stopped by Engey on our way out to sea and saw many lovely little puffins flying around and sitting on the cliffs outside of their burrows. We headed out to sea in hopes of seeing more minke whales. We we quite a ways out when we saw out first blow. However, this blow vanished and did not show itself again. We we continued on our way looking for any signs of life and were delighted to see the occasional northern gannet. We eventually saw another blow. We decided to follow it and see if we could get a good look. This time a Minke Whale surfaced about 100 meters from the boat. This whale did not, however, show itself very well and not many of our passengers were able to see it. We headed back into the harbour, but before docking all of our passengers were given complementary tickets so that they can come again with us anytime in the next two years.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was quite windy when we sailed out into the bay. We went to Engey, the Puffin Island on the way out to see if we could take a look at the Puffins. Luckily we saw many Puffins as the season is ending tomorrow and many of them have already left their colonies. When we headed out the sea was a bit rough and even though we searched for a very long time, we only spotted a Minke Whale at the end of the tour and we saw it just very briefly so we gave our passengers complementary tickets valid for 2 years so they could come back on another tour with us for free.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We headed out to sea and the weather was a little grey, but we still had high hopes. We stopped by Engey (Puffin Island) and there were many puffins flying around and sitting outside their burrows. We then headed out to sea in hopes of getting to see some whales! We were not far out when we came across a little Harbour Porpoise. This little porpoise surfaced a few times, but then vanished into the deep blue. We continued on our way and soon spotted our first blow. We headed in that direction and soon saw a Minke Whale surface a little ways from the boat. This whale surfaced several times, however, it seemed to hide itself among the waves and seemed to be in a hurry to travel somewhere. After seeing this minke we continued on our way back towards the harbour.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was rather windy this morning as we headed out. We started our tour in Engey where we saw a lot of atlantic puffins flying around and sitting on the island as well. There was a lot of birdlife in the bay today, big flocks of Northern Gannets feeding by plunging themselves in to the water. We spotted a pod of 3-4 Harbour Porpoises surfacing very close to the boat but they soon disappeared. We continued our tour and had been sailing for about two hours when we finally spotted a blow from a whale. As we got closer we saw it was a Minke Whale. There was a flock of birds feeding in the area and we saw 2-3 Minke Whales. One of them even came very close to the boat, it was just about 15 m away. So amazing to find these Minke Whales when we had almost given up hope.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Birds seen on today's tours: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Fulmar, Lesser Black-Backed Gull