
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


FRIDAY, 11 MAY 2018


Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: If the rain was still present on the last tour of the day, the wind did died down. What a rarity! Thus we sailed at full speed, enjoying a globally warmer temperatures and an endless visibility on a calm sea. It took us some time to have a proper encounter, even though we quickly saw 2 pods of harbour porpoises, each of them including 4-6 individuals. Eventually we spent a wonderful time with 8-10 white-beaked dolphins! The family was clearly feeding close to the surface, displaying some sharking behaviour and some leaps out of the water. Since they didn't seem to mind us, we stopped the boat at a respectful distance, and enjoyed the show for a while. We then circled around to find 2 mores white-beaked dolphins before heading back home, with some blue sky and sunshine to make it perfect.

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out from the Reykjavik harbour today under light rain and wind. We saw mainly scattered individual seabirds on our way out, including atlantic puffins, northern gannets, arctic terns, kittiwakes and common guillemots. When we reached our main sighting grounds, we spotted a minke whale! The minke whale resurfaced two more times but was quite elusive and far from the boat. After waiting a bit longer, we eventually made our way to a more productive area. There we saw flocks of feeding gannets, kittiwakes, arctic terns and some northern fulmars that got very close to the boat. We then saw a humpback whale, surface about 200 meters from the boat. After a few minutes of waiting for it to resurface, we saw the fluke of the humpback again! We then made our way back to the harbour. Because the whales we saw today were elusive and many of our passengers were not able to see them, we offered complimentary tickets to all passengers on the tour. 

- Anne Moullier

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: A rather miserable weather this morning, heavy rain drops soaking us  head to toe but with the warm dry saloons and hot drinks that can be purchased onboard we soon warmed up. It was hard to stay inside though as there was lots to see. A minke whale was spotted just 20 mins from leaving the harbour and wonderful encounter with many and close surfaces to the boat. Of course we wanted to get out to the area from yesterday, an hours further sailing and saw a big diversity of birds, especially puffins. Once in the area we encountered one if not two minke whales, once again seen many times and close to the boat, a small pod of 2-3 white-beaked dolphins but these were difficult to track and follow, definitely not in a whale watching mood and a pod of 3-4 harbour porpoises surfacing fast and most likely chasing after some food. A very nice tour to start the day. 

- Megan Whittaker

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, Atlantic puffin, lesser black-backed gull, starling, eider duck, northern fulmar, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern & common guillemot

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. The wind will be strong during the morning, but it should calm down throughout the day. All our boats have inside and outside areas, we also provide free overalls to keep you warm and dry out at sea. For more information please contact us via phone at +354 519 5000 or by e-mail at