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Tours status: RUNNING

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: It was bit more bumpy than in the morning but sunshine recompense all discomfort. Light and the sea and the landscape was beautiful! Like on previous tours we easy found minke whale. It was first of maybe 8 which we saw during this tour. They were everywhere! We were so busy with them that we didn't realized that our captain took us just in front of humpback whale. Animal surprised us surfacing right in front of us. Again it was two humpback whales together, relaxed animals providing us with amazing sightings. On the way back we got short look at some harbour porpoises. Perfect ending!

- Ewa Malinowska 

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: The wind picked up in our afternoon trip but we were delighted with an incredible sun. But cetaceans were incredible. Firstly, we spotted 2 humpbacks whale surfacing shyly around us. While we were waiting for them, a very curious minke whale approached us and she was swimming around our boat very close! Secondly, after this unbelievable experience we carried out to find out another humpback whale but this time she was feeding actively close to the surface. The way back was smooth and super nice.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Oh yes summer is here! Finally! We sailed out direction to the area we left the whales in the morning as all of the sudden a minke whale appeared right next to us. To our delight it stayed even a bit, surfacing really fast with one more in a bit greater distance. One of the whales even rolled feeding close to the surface infront of our boat, showing us its belly! That was really really cool. We tried to stay with the animal but unfortunately we couldn't locate it after some time, so we kept on going. Definitely being in an area with lots of fish, as different seabirds where hunting in the same area. So we kept scanning the water surface and saw a blow in the distance were we came from. So we turned back and quite quickly realized that there where 2 humpback whales feeding. What a pleasure seeing those animals surfacing together again and again. After some time again we decided to leave this animals and went on with our tour. Unfortunately it was about time to go back but we kept looking out, so we spotted another minke on our way. Another awesome trip with tons on whales ;)

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: What a whale-derful trip we had this morning! We started the tour with a pod of 4-5 white beaked dolphins not far away from the harbour. Later on, we discovered 2 humpback whales (mother and calf) being followed for another pod of white-beaked dolphins (probably 10-12 individuals) and in the meantime a lot of minke whales were showing up, roughly 10 of them. But the icing of the cake was again our beautiful humpbacks, they started to lob-tailing for a while for our amusement. Speechless trip.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: It was cloudy and a little bit cold like for beginning of June but excitement about whales kept us warm. 15 min after leaving harbour and sailing through calm sea we started seeing blows in the distance. Before getting to the spot we were welcomed by white-beaked dolphins. It was many of them, at least 30. Dolphins were in playful mode, jumping high and even rolling their bodies close to the water surface. Then out of nowhere a humpback whale surfaced right in front of us! We got to see a tail and it went for a dive. It wasn't boring to wait till it resurface again, as dolphins were still around us. Also minke whale in a fast surfacing-sequence came by next to us. When humpback came back for our great surprise we saw two of this whales one next to another. We had amazing time watching dolphins, humpbacks any many minkes through all the tour. Amazing day!

- Ewa Malinowska 

Bird species seen on today's tours include: Atlantic puffin, northern gannet, northern fulmar, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern, arctic skua, manx shearwater, eider duck, common guillemot, great black-backed gull

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, conditons at sea are favorable but there could always be some movement on the boat, and we do have sea sickness tablets at the ticket office free of charge. For more information you can contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000