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Monday, 19 August 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We started this tour at Engey to say hello to the Puffins and thrilled to see so many. The sea was still the same, maybe a little less rocky than previous tours. We sailed out too a different area to try our luck there and it was very disappointing. Not even a single blow or a splash was seen, the seabirds were also in very short supply too which also didn´t look good. The fish must have swam down in the water column and the whales and birds moved off too a more productive area. So we gave our passengers complimentary tickets and hope they join us on a more successful day.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We sailed out in a bright sunshine and left the rain clouds behind us. We were searching a long time until we spotted a pod of jumping White Beaked Dolphins in a distance so we tried to get closer and for a little while they kept on jumping. Unfortunately as we got closer they stopped feeding and jumping and were very elusive. We didn`t manage to spot anything else so we decided to give our passengers Complimentary tickets valid for 2 years so they could come on another whale watching tour with us for free.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out this afternoon into faxafloi Bay with some areas of blue skies and a couple of dark ominous clouds which drenched us as we sailed underneath. The heavy shower only lasted about 3 minutes before we were under blue skies again and drying out. It was still quite choppy seas but everyone seemed to enjoy it. We saw lots seabirds, species mentioned at the bottom of the page. We were unsuccessful with whales this afternoon, we saw a blow twice but that was it. Very difficult animals on this afternoon excusion. We had a quick stop at puffin island and they were definitely the highlight of this tour. Complimentary tickets were given in the hope our passengers will have better luck next time.

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: It was a bit rainy this monday morning when we sailed out into faxa Bay but the warm suits protected us from the rain. We had to sail for quite a while before we spotted a pod of White Beaked Dolphins in front of us, maybe 5-10 animals. They seemed to be busy feeding, treveling fast around our boat. We got a few good looks at them but as they started to become elusive we continued sailing. On the way back to the harbour we spotted a Minke Whale which surfaced a couple of times close to the boat before it disappeared. We saw many Northern Gannets which was a nice add on.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out from Reykjavik this morning in interchangable weather. One minute it was raining heavy and the next it was sunny. We started the tour off at Engey to see the puffins and great to see so many. Then we headed offshore it didn´t take us long to find a massive flock of seabirds and we even glimpsed a Minke Whale under the birds, as we were getting closer we were getting more and more excited. The Minke surfaced a couple more times but after very long dives and always in a different place making it very difficult for the passengers to see it. Then we didn´t see anything but the birds for a long time so we decided to head North. We got word from another whale watching boat about some White-beaked Dolphins, so we were off. There was a pod of 7-9 animals in this pod but again they were very elusive. We said good bye to the dolphins and headed back home. We were not entirely happy with this tour so we gave our passengers complimentary tickets and hope there next whale watching tour is more successful.

Birds seen on today's tours include: Puffins, common guillemots, northern gannets, lesser black backed gulls, eider ducks, fulmars, kittiwakes, great skuas, razorbills, manx shearwaters.