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Status 17:00 and 20:30 Tour: CANCELLED

Unfortunately we have to cancel our Whale Watching tour tonight due to weather. But we hope you will be able to join us tomorrow as the forecast predicts better weather. For more information please contact us via phone at +354 519 5000 or by e-mail at

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: With the increasing wind and more challenging sea state, this was definitely an interesting tour. We went out pretty far away and thought we saw a blow from a whale, but after waiting for quite some time in the increasing wind, we turned around ad had to get back to the harbour. The turn trip was a real treat for all adventure lovers, because we experienced first hand the power of the Icelandic wind as the boat danced on the white caps. We came back with salt in our hair, as the splashes from the waves made sure our hair didn't look as nice as when we came on board. Unfortunately we didn't manage to see any marine mammals on this tour, so we gave out complimentary tickets. It's good to know that our guests enjoyed this sea adventure despite the outcome.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: This promised to be a true icelandic experience as we all went on a pure extreme whalewatching tour! The grumpy weather did not make this ride less spectacular though. As we were sailing through strong winds, we spotted a humpback whale that make itself notice while tail lobbing. It was possible to observe this animal carefully for multiple times as it performed all kinds of behavior like breaching, tail lobbing and tail slapping. And at some point we realized that there was a minke whale quite close to us as well! So we got a 2 for 1 sighting while watching two baleen species at the same time. On our way back, after this unique trip, not even the big swell could spoil our mood.

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: It was windy, overcast and with some rain once in a while, so a real Icelandic summer on the sea. We sailed for about half an hour, until we encountered a minke whale. It was elusive and in the distance we saw blows from a humpback whale, so we went to check it out. The humpback whale was relaxed we where able to enjoy watching for this individual for quite some time. It’s always nice to see humpback whales and to see the impressive blow from this large cetacean several meters high. On our way home we saw a pod of 4-5 harbor porpoises. It was really great so see them, because of the waves they had a lot of their body showing in the water surface when they came up for air and we were able to see them clearly! A cold but great day at sea!

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: This tour should prove everyone right, that whales don't care about the weather! We sailed out with the wind in our face and an overcast sky. As we met the first species of the day, an elusive minke whale, it started to rain. We managed to follow the minke whale for a short while and take some pictures but then decided to go further out. A pod of 4-5 harbour porpoises crossed briefly our path but we had spotted already a big blow. As we approached we could even smell this humpback whale! He started to slap his flippers and tail and roll around to everyone's enjoyment. He even showed us the fluke, so we were able to identify him again as Charly. Beautiful encounters in miserable weather.

- Sarah Kompatscher


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is some wind so there will be some swells out on Faxabay. We do offer sea sickness tablets free of charge at the ticket office. All our boats have inside and outside areas and to make the tour even more comfortable we provide warm overalls. Hope you will be able to join us today.