
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Tour at 20:30 : CANCELLED

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: It was the best tour of a day! Sometimes when we have more difficult days because of the weather or because previous tours weren't that successful we tend to forget that in whale watching business every tour is like a new day. This time we didn't even need to sail long to spot a huge blow. When we get closer we saw a humpback whale! Animal was feeding so soon we we figured out that the easiest way is to move from one flock of birds to another to be at right place when it came to the surface. And then in breached! First jump right on our side was a big surprise and most of us saw only big splash but when all eyes were turned in that direction whale repeated almost full body breach out of the water! No one managed to take a photo but we will have life-lasting memory of this amazing incident. 

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: Our afternoon trip proved to be better in terms of weather as the wind cooled down and the sky cleared up a bit. As we sailed, we met a lot of seabirds in our way actively feeding or resting in the surface. At one moment, out of nowhere we spotted a blow and immediately after a minke whale surfaced only few times not far away from the boat. That was a sign that the water was full of sources for cetaceans. As we continued our trip, we explored few areas that seemed to be very productive due to bird´s activity. Unluckily, whales weren't´t around so we offered our passengers a complimentary tickets so everybody can make a new attempt to see these beautiful animals.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: For the tour this afternoon we sailed from Hafnarfjörður again, still facing the strong winds. During the trip we also got some light rain, but sea conditions were quite calm, since we stayed closer to the land. Our first sighting was a minke whale, that was spotted by some of our passengers at the front of the boat. We got to see it again, surfacing at the side of the boat, but then it was gone. After a few minutes we came across another minke whale, surfacing in the front of the boat. We stayed in the area, keeping an eye out for the minke and also for the humpback whale from the previous tour, but they were not in the mood to join us again. In the end we gave our passengers complimentary tickets, so they can try again on another tour.

-Diana Besel

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: Our tours for today were leaving from a different harbour and that brought us a lot of opportunities to witness nature from a different angle. Seabirds were fantastic as we encountered in big numbers and variety. As we explored the bay, we came across a surprising minke whale which breached far in the distance before she suddenly disappeared. With our hopes fully loaded, we carried on with our search and an unexpected tiny harbour porpoise popped up in between the waves and made a full breach before it disappeared. Unfortunately, we couldn't´t have any further closer encounter during the tour so we offered complimentary tickets to our passengers. For sure next time cetaceans will be more cooperative.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Forecast predicted strong wind over Faxafloi but that didn't stop us. We found shelter by sailing from different location, where proximity of the land was protecting us from strong gales. It was a real adventure to face this wind specially that with our experienced captain and calm sea it was a safe adventure. Despite the fact that for us weather look poor, wildlife had no complains. Plenty of birds were gliding over the water and we also saw whales. First one was a minke whale. Animal surfaced out of the blue so suddenly that only few aware passengers saw that. Not much later we got a call about humpback whale. It was a very big individual and his blow was stronger than wind. This impressive whale surfaced once on our left scaring our guest. What a morning! 

- Ewa Malinowska

Bird species seen on today's tours include: eider duck, northern fulmar, northern gannet, manx shearwater, black-legged kittiwake, arctic skua, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, arctic tern, atlantic puffin, common guillemot, black guillemot, razorbill.

Due to weather we will be sailing from HAFNARFJÖRÐUR harbour today at 9:00 and 10:00 departures. A bus will be ready and waiting for passengers at our ticket office in the Old Harbour in Reykjavik and drive off to Hafnarfjörður at the scheduled departure time at no extra charge. We expect the tour to run for approximately 4 hrs. today and warn that this may impact COMBO tours. Guests that are unable to join the tour due to it's length are advised to contact their travel planner and check for alternatives and other options. Please contact our ticket office directly if you have any further questions or like to change your departure.

Status for other departures will be announced later today.