
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour status: RUNNING

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: The bay did not seem to be much alive during the day so our expectations were moderate. Once again we were to learn better. During this tour there was a minke whale to be witnessed showing all his ability to move really fast, changing directions around the boat and was to be seen on the surface a few times pretty close. A humpback whales blow draw our attention from far to later show it's impressive fluke, shortly before arriving there a small pod of white beaked dolphins traveled along our side in the same direction, only twice as fast as we were. Lots of great experiences rounded up by nice music on our way home.

- Valentin Witek

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Wind speed picked up for the tour in the evening, but we had the wind in our back for the way out into the bay. After searching the area for some time we saw a splash in the distance, but once we got closer there was no animal to be found. We turned the boat around and went into another area, when a minke whale suddenly surfaced next to the boat. It was seen once more, just in front of us. However, this was going to be the only sighting of the tour. Therefore, we gave our passengers complimentary tickets, in hope of more luck with the cetaceans the next time.

-Diana Besel

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: Weather conditions changed from previous days and we faced again overcast skies, but it only meant that sun was absent because wildlife was still around Faxafloi. It took us a while but we found out 2 minke whales, one of them was rather elusive while traveling but the second one was extremely active as we could follow her while chasing fish. A good proof of that was that hundreds of seabirds were following the whereabouts of this hungry cetaceans. After several close encounters we headed back to Reykjavik enjoying a smooth sailing experience.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Wind changed direction what smoothed sea surface and swell was much less stronger than in the morning. We had perfect condition for whale watching so we went directly check to our favorite locations. There were some small fishing boat out on the water but beside them bay seems to be sleepy. After spending long time sailing through the bay finally we had to turn back. Our hopes still were high when we got a call about minke whale close by. In the spot we were welcomed by huge splash, clearly made by jumping whale. Unfortunately we weren't able to track that minke again. Hopeful our passenger will have a whale of a time next time, as we offered to everyone complimentary tickets.

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailing was pretty good today, the swell could have been higher and wind blew hard only on our way back. The passengers learned a lot about whales and wildlife while looking out for cetaceans. A minke whale popped up, both of us were in fullspeed and when we stopped it had been gone and was not seen again. Following some good tracks, in the end our trip was not crowned by any more success in finding marine mammals and we are looking forward to see again everybody who wishes to make use of his or her complimentary ticket.

- Valentin Witek

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Our tour this morning started with a grey sky and some light rain from time to time. Sea conditions were slightly rough, but our captain held the boat steady anyway. We were already heading out for some time into the bay, when we saw a big splash in the distance. It was a breaching minke whale, but unfortunately too far away to get a proper look at. When we were getting closer the whale was nowhere to be seen. After a short while we found another minke, surfacing once and then this one was also heading into another area. Just when we were starting to go back to the harbour, one more minke surfaced twice in front of the boat. However, as we only saw each animal for a very short time, we gave our passengers complimentary tickets, so they can try their luck on another tour.

-Diana Besel

Birds seen on today's tours include: atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, northern gannet, manx shearwater, common guillemot, arctic skua, lesser black-backed gull, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern

We are running our tours today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík, sea conditions are favorable and hopefully the sun will shine again today for us.  Please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office for further information, either via phone +354 5195000 or