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Friday, 12 July 2013

Tour at 20:30

Unfortunately we had to cancel the last tour of the day due to unfavourable weather conditions.

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was quite windy when we headed out into the bay. The wind came from land so it was a rather bumpy ride. After 40 minutes of searching we found the first Minke Whale but it was very elusive so we saw it only twice shortly and after that it was gone so we continued sailing. We had to search for a very long time when we spotted another Minke Whale but it was also very elusive so we had to head back torwards Reykjavík to visit the Puffins. Unfortunately some of our passengers got sea sick. Fortunately there were many Puffins on Akurey so we got a good look at the cute Puffins. We decided to give our passengers complimentary tickets so they can come back on another tour with us for free, within the next 2 years.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out from Reykjavík and the weather had picked up a little and the waves were a little larger than this morning. Our passengers were however more than ready to practice their "sea knees". We headed straight out to sea and saw lots of Northern Gannets. These incredible birds were diving like arrows all over the place. We eventually made it to the area that we had seen whales this morning and sure enough we saw our first Minke Whale. We stayed in the area and soon there were three to four different minke whales all around out boat. It was very fun running back and forth trying to catach a  glimpse of each of these animals. One came close to the boat and let out a large blow that everyone could hear quite well. We eventually made our way back towards Puffin Island passing through the flocks of norther gannets and their young diving into the water. At Akurey (Puffin Island) we saw plenty of puffins bringing food back for their young. The tour was a lovely success.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: The wind had freshened up but the sun was shining when we started the 1 o´clock tour today. We headed straight out to the same area where we spotted the Minke Whales earlier. After 30 minutes we saw 2 large flocks of sea birds so we slowed down and it didn´t take much time until a Minke Whale surfaced just right in front of the boat. This animal was amazingly relaxed and just kept feeding, circeling us always coming very close to the boat so we enjoyed his presence for the whole tour. The sky was blue and the passengers were happy with this wonderful tour.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We set out of Reykjavík harbour and the sun had just come out from behind the clouds. We stopped by Puffin Island and saw plenty of puffins in their natural habitat. We headed out to sea and saw plenty of birds along the way including fulmars, black-backed gulls, kittiwakes and northern gannets. We started our way towards the area that we have been seeing whales lately, but we did not seem to spot anything right away. Eventually we found our first Minke Whale. We saw this individual surface several times and eventually saw at least three other Minke whales. At least two of these whales were a mother and her calf. These whales continued to feed around out boat and surface sometimes very close to our boat letting out a large blow that was rainbow colored as the sun passed through the mist. We headed back towards the city and were all very pleased with the lovely minkes that we were able to experience.

-Taylor Theódór

Tour at 9:00

Report from Elding: The wind had gotten a bit stronger this morning when we sailed out into Faxa Bay. The first stop was Akurey, the home of the Atlantic Puffin. There were a lot of Puffins flying around and we could also see them sitting in front of their wholes. Very nice start of this day. We sailed out and had to search for a rather long time but that paid of as suddenly 4 Minke Whales started surfacing around us, there was a lot of fish under the boat and we just kept position and watched the whales feeding around us. We stayed as long as we coulde with them, when the sun came out. It was just a great morning!

-Lisa Hofmann