
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour Status: RUNNING

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Today I believe everyone was grateful for our overalls to help keep them warm with the cold wind we had as we started to leave the harbour. We decided to sail straight into the wind, heading for the island Viðey to look for the humpback whale we had been seeing there for almost 3 weeks now. But it turned out that today was day 2 of us not encountering it there. Thus, we didn't waste any time and headed out into the bay and towards the city of Akraness. As we sailed, we enjoyed the wonderful winter scenery and the blue, yellow and red colours that were painting the clouds and snow in the mountains. Over an hour into our tour, we changed direction towards Keflavík where a humpback whale was spotted. It was a phenomenal encounter! The humpback whale came within few meters of the boat and was lunge feeding, so throwing it's body head first with it's mouth wide open, over and over and over again. It even rolled on the back so we could see it's expanded throat and white belly, getting a good impression of the size of this whale!! We could have stayed for many more hours I'm sure, but we do abide by the code of conduct and never want to be with an animal for over an hour to ensure we do not influence it. So we said goodbye to this lovely whale and basked in our excitement the entire sail back.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today's tour: icelandic gull, herring gull, great cormorant, common guillemot, eider duck, black-backed gull, black-headed gull, glaucous gull.

We are running our whale watching tour at 13:00 today, from the old harbour in Reykjavík.

Come and join us on an adventure today! Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information via phone, +354 5195000 or

We look forward to welcome you on board!