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Monday, 29 July 2013

Tour at 20:30Report from Elding: The weather was beautiful as we headed towards Lundey, one of the Puffin islands around Reykjavík. We saw a few Puffins there but unfortunately there weren't many. We sailed out and searched for a long time with out any sightings accept from one short surfacing of a Minke Whale that one of the crew found but the animal didn't surface again. Because of no sightings we gave all of our passengers complementary tickets which are good for the next 2 years and makes them able to come back on a tour with us when ever they want and we sure hope that they use them !Although the Whales weren't keeping us company the ocean was calm and the sunset was just gorgeus and colored the sky pink and red. On our way back the musician Eiríkur sang some songs for us and kept us entertained.- Freydís Ósk HjörvarsdóttirTour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This evening the wind was blowing out of the west but the sun was also out and shone down on us as we headed out onto Faxa bay. Due to the distance we had to sail last time around we now prepared ourselves for a long sailing south towards where we had seen minkes on the previous tour. Though only about half way through our estimated journey, a Minke whale surfaced on our left side and we stopped to get a better look. At first this cetacean looked to be rather elusive but soon another minke showed up and we got a good look at this pair. They came up on both sides of the boat and we got a particularly good look at one as it surfaced quite close behind the boat. For the remainder of the tour we stayed in that area and caught a few more glimpses of other minkes as we headed back towards Reykjavik. On the way back we enjoyed the calm weather and the puffins at Akurey just before we arrived back at the harbor.

-Ívar Elí Sveinsson

Tour at 14:00Report from Elding: We started the tour in Akurey, one of the Puffin islands here around Reykjavík. There weren't many Puffins there but we were lucky enough to see them further out during the tour while they were hunting. We searched the area very closely and the sun was peeking out of the clouds, but the life in the bay was quite limited this tour. When our trip was almost over it was getting a bit foggy and our hopes were fading away when a Minke Whale surfaced around 40 meters from the boat! The animal swam around us and was probably just as curious as we were. It came very close so we both got a good look at it, we could hear it's blow and we could smell it's breath, which is quite bad ! We sailed towards land, way after our scheduled time but it was worth it , we got an amazing look at the Minke ! - Freydís Ósk HjörvarsdóttirTour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This afternoon things were looking good and we started our tour with a visit to the puffin Island of Akurey. We then headed further out into the bay to begin our search. Today we had to go very far out to sea to spot the whales but as often is the case, our patience is almost always rewarded. When we had sailed for an hour we found our first cetacean of the tour, a Minke whale. This minke was a bit elusive however, surfacing erratically and diving for long periods of time. But soon after we spotted this individual we spotted two more minkes and they took it in turns to appear on either side of the boat sending people running between sides countless times as they surfaced. We got some very good looks at them and a good encounter all in all. We then sailed back to Reykjavik in the calm afternoon weather.

-Ívar Elí SveinssonTour at 10:00Report from Hafsúlan: Weather was calm and nice although the sun wasn't shining as we headed to Lundey, one of the Puffin islands where we saw a lot of puffins, which made us very happy because it looks like they are out hunting a lot lately. As we headed out we met a pod og 6 White-beaked Dolphins, they moved slowely around and we could see them very well but they weren't playful today so after we got a good look at them we headed further out to try our luck. After sailing for a while we saw a Minke Whale surfacing further away from us and we were very lucky that the animal decided to come closer to us and we could see this beautiful creature. After a while we had to sail back to the harbour after a good tour in calm seas. - Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: This morning conditions were very nice for whale watching, with the seas being calm and a mild wind from the west. We began by visiting the puffins at Lundey and saw quite a few of them sitting on the water and flying around us. Always a good way to start a tour. We then headed out further into the bay proper to begin our search. We hadn't searched for long when we came upon our first cetaceans of the tour, a pod of White-beaked Dolphins. These were very calm individuals and we managed to follow them for quite a while as they travelled slowly alongside us. This allowed us to see them very well, especially their white and grey sides and the large and falcate dorsal fin. After this encounter we were unfortunately out of time and headed back to Reykjavik.

-Ívar Elí Sveinsson