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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailing out in much calmer weather we started our tour by stopping at Lundey, puffin island. There were not that many birds around so we decided to take a look on the other side of the island and there were much more puffins around. After a while we headed through a rain cloud offshore just where the sun was shining. It was a beautiful evening with a huge rainbow behind the boat. There were many many birds around the boat and the passengers were happy to see some air battle between a Skua and some Artic Terns. We sailed on and spotted a Minke Whale but it surfaced only twice and as we were running out of time we had to go back to Reykjavík. We gave all our passengers complimentary tickets valid for two years to come on another tour with us.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 14:00:

Report from Elding. We headed out from Reykjavík and the weather had gotten a little better. We started our tour in Akurey to look at the puffins. We then headed out to look for some whales. As earlier that day there was a lot of birdlife, Gannets plunging into the ocean, flocks of Arctic Terns feeding on fish at the surface and a lot of other birds. We saw a Minke Whale surface twice very close to the boat. Unfortunetly we didn't see it again. We searched a big area in the bay before heading back to the harbour. All our passengers got complimentary tickets which are valid for two years to come back on tour with us.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailing out in quite a windy weather, we started our tour by stopping at Akurey the puffin island. There were many birds around both sitting on the island and flying very close around the boat. After a while we sailed further out to see what this tour would bring us. There was a lot of birdlife all around the boats and we saw the wonderful Northern Gannets diving into the water. Even though we searched in a big area we couldn´t spot any cetaecans and after two hours we had to head back to the harbour. We gave all our passengers complimentary tickets valid for two years to come on another tour with us.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 10:00:

Report from Elding. We headed out from Reykjavík and it was rather windy to begin with. We started our tour in Akurey where we saw a lot of puffins sitting on the sea around the island. Then we headed out. We encountered a lot of Northern Gannets that were diving in to the water and it was so beautiful to look at. After about two hours we spotted a Minke Whale, but we only saw it once even though we waited a while for it to resurface. We gave all our passengers complimentary tickets which are good for another tour with us for the next two years.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in quite a windy weather. First we stopped at Lundey the puffin island. There were a few birds around and we spent some time with the puffins before heading further out. There was a lot of bird life offshore and it was beautiful the watch the fulmares gliding next to the boat. It took us quite a while until we saw a pod of Harbour Porpoises surfacing just in front of the boat, between 5 and 7 individuals. They seemed to be busy feeding and came up a few times very close to the boat. We sailed further out but we couldn't spot anything else after a while we had to head back to Reykjavík. We gave our passengers complimentary tickets valid for two years for another tour with us.

-Lisa Hofmann

Birds seen on todays tours include: Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Atlantic Puffins, Black Guillemot, Great Skua, Black-backed Gulls, Kittiwake, Oystercatchers and Eider Ducks.