
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | at 13:00 | ☁ Rough seas

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: A wet blustery start to our tour today, passengers had a nice wind swept look as they stepped into our exhibition vessel and warmed up with a hot coco and an overall or warm blanket on our whale watching vessel. Lucky for us the forecast lived up to its word with soon cleared upand for a while we sunshine before the hail came in. It was a real Icelandic experinece this afternoon with the varying weather conditions but mostly the boat was cuting through the waves nicely and only rocked at times the swells and waves were hitting the sides. It took us a long time to spot our first species of marine mammal today, a pod of 5 white-beaked dolphins, that were awesome, busy chasing after their lunch and then playing around the vessel. got some close looks at them and one individual looked to have bites taken out of the dorsal fin, maybe from an orca and the flesh wounds looked quite recent. Always interested what you come across out in the bay. On the way home we had pod of 2-3 white-beaked dolphins but they were definitely not in the mood to be around vessels and soon disappeared so we continued our journey home. 

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour include: northern gannets, northern fulmar, blue fulmar, black-headed gulls, black-backed gulls, glacous gulls, iceland gulls, great cormorants, common shags, iceland gulls. eider ducks, razorbills, common guillemots. 

 TOUR CANCELLED | at 9:00 

Due to unfavourable weather conditions, our tour at 09:00 this morning has been cancelled. We will be sailing from the Old Harbour today at 13:00.  It will be quite windy so there will be some movement on the ocean and it might be quite cold! We do offer complimentary sea sickness tablets for those who want. For  further information, please contact us by email at or by calling +354 519 5000