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Monday, 3 June 2013

Tour at 17:00: Report from Hafsúlan. We headed out again from Reykjavík in the same weather as earlier that day. We decided to head a bit further out and look at a different area than in the tour before. We sailed through a few flocks of Arctic Terns that were feeding on fish in the sea. Unfortunetly we were not able to see any whales on this tour. All our passengers got complimentary tickets and can come back on tour with us for the next two years.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 14:00: Unfortunetly our tour at 14:00 was cancelled due to bad weather.

Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan: As the weather was not so good in Reykjavík today we decided to head out from Hafnarfjörður where it was better. We headed out and it was raining and a bit windy but the sea was rather calm. We sailed along the coastline of Reykjanes and saw some puffins on the way. Unfortunetly we didn't see any whales although we searched a very big area. All our passengers got complimentary tickets which are valid for 2 years to come back on tour with us.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 10:00:Unfortunetly our tour this morning was cancelled due to bad weather.

Tour at 9:00: Unfortunetly our tour this morning was cancelled due to bad weather.

Birds seen on todays tour include: Arctic Terns, Fulmars, Black Guillemots, Atlantic puffins and kittiwakes.