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Report from Elding: It was still windy but we managed to maneuver the boat smoothly through the rough seas. Soon after reaching the areas where the dolphins were spotted on the previous tour, we found a large flock of northern gannets. In between the feeding gannets were 7 feeding white beaked dolphins. These dolphins entertained us with a thrilling show, alternating between feeding, bow riding, interacting with our boat and jumping. It was also exciting to watch and listen to the large northern gannets. An even larger flock of northern gannet was seen feeding with 4 dolphins further out. The tour was topped with a beautiful sunset on the way back in.

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir


Report from Eldey: The sky was clear but we still had rough weather out in the bay, it was not a problem to our braves passengers. We started sailing towards Akranes looking for the shelter of the coast and after one hour we spotted a big flock of northern gunnet, it was nice to see a lot of them gathering at the same area. Suddenly the northern gunnet started "plunge diving" and under the birds a pod of 7 white beaked dolphins showed up. In a moment it seemed like something was going on beneath the boat, a lot of fish around so we had the opportunity to stayed long time with them. Whe our time was running out we headed back to the harbour but on the way back another pod of 5 white beaked dolphins popped up in front of the boat with a lot of artic terns following them, same bahavior than this morning. After this amazing tour we let the passenger relax playing good music and enjoyed the moment. 

- Jose Manuel Marco


Report from Hafsulan : This afternoon was maybe a little bit windy but also really sunny. The captain chosen to shelter by Esja for the comfort of our passengers. We had a nice view on Lundey, a small island near Reykjavik where almost 5000 pairs of Atlantic puffin are breeding every summer. We saw a lot of those cute little birds near this island. We also saw a few northern gannet, biggest seabird of this region, doing their impressive plunge-dives. Unfortunately we weren't able to find any whale, so we offered to our passengers the opportunity to come back for free in the next two years, for a new adventure at sea ! Hope to see you soon !

-Miquel Pons


Report from Eldey: 10m/s winds from the north provided blustery condition but with winds only occurring the last hours it had not much effect on the sea and even though there was some movement it wasn't so bad. However, always good to take a seasickness tablet that the company gives for free for sensitive stomachs. We sailed our usual areas and searched for the usual animals but we were unsuccessful on this tour. We really hope more life comes into the bay soon. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets to come again for free if they wished in the next two years. We still enjoyed the ride, scenery and birds. 

- Megan Whittaker


Report from Hafsulan: With quite strong winds coming from the north, but a whole load of sunshine, we sailed out towards Akranes this morning. We could feel the wind and waves quite a bit when we were passing Hvalfjordur, but then were sheltered once more by Akrafjall. On our way we found a lot of birdlife all around us, mainly atlantic puffins, northern fulmars and northern gannets, which we normally only encounter much further out in the bay. Even 2-3 harbour porpoises were showing themselves to us twice during the tour. But unfortunately we did not find any other cetaceans during this tour and therefore offered all our passengers the opportunity to come on another trip with us, within the next two years. And we are very much looking forward to welcoming them again.

-Christina Winkler


Report from Eldey: Beautiful morning with lots of sunshine throughout the tour but the wind was blowing so we recomended our passenger to wear our extra suits to help them to get warmer. We went to our ususal spotting area trying to find this beautiful animals. After an hour of sailing we found a pod of 10 white beaked dolphins, they were diving next to the boat trying to catch the fish that we had in that moment around. It was easy to follow them because many artic terns were feeding exactly the same food. We had the opportunity to see Gabriela into this pod with her little calf, she is being spotting in this bay since 2008. Everybody was able to photograph the animals and we headed back to the harbour happy to have a new member of this wonderful dolphins in the bay.

- Jose Manuel Marco

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, northern gannet, black-headed gull, arctic tern, northern fulmar.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. The seas should be calm today, but if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.