
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Report from Elding: What a fantastic tour this was! We did sail out into the most beautiful sunshine. With flat seas we had the best conditions to spot some wildlife. And it was actually one of our passengers, that spotted our first sighting of the tour: 1 basking shark. We were able to sail with this impressive animal for a while, watching its big mouth wide open, before it decided to dive deeper and out of our sight. As we continued our search it only took us a few minutes till we spotted 1 minke whale. Similar to the shark, it was moving slowly, surfacing a few times before going on longer dives, very likely feeding further down in the water column. So we got to stay with this individual for a while as well, before we had to head back to the harbour. On the way back we enjoyed the sunset and a bit of dancing and singing while listening to  DJ Otto's greatest hits.

-Christina Winkler


Report from Eldey: Under this blue sky, the warm sun and a perfectly flat sea, we had a peaceful tour this evening. We went to the same area where we saw the minke whales this morning. We saw beautiful birds like the northern gannet, biggest seabird in this region, but no whales. We went towards Akranes to search for those mysterious creatures but even with all our efforts we couldn't find them. Because our passengers didn't saw any whale during this tour, we offered them a complementary ticket that allow them to come back for a new free tour in the next two years.

-Miquel Pons


Report from Hafsulán: The weather and sea conditions on this tour couldn't have been better. Smelling the sea air and feeling the sunlight on your skin is definitely a welcome sensation. We headed West and saw the same group of white-beaked dolphins we had on the last tour. "Skywalker" was the individual sticking out once again. It was interesting to observe the group dynamic of this pod and see who hangs out with whom. We continued West and came upon a rather unusual sight. 6-9 harbour porpoises were popping out all around us. Not so often do we have a successful sighting of an elusive species like this one. Sun, toothed whales and smiles of children on board, what more can you ask for?

-Lucas Heinrich


We sailed away from the harbor under perfect weather conditions. The sea was flat and the visibility was great. We headed straight to the area where we had the last sighting from the previous tour. Shortly after, we spotted a minke whale, but this one turned out to be quite difficult to keep track of. Once we resumed our search for something else we ran into.another of the same species, and similar mood... Our motivation was put to the test but our experienced crew never gave up! Finally, on our way back to Reykjavik we found a pod of around 8 to 10 white beaked dolphins!  These were quite cheerfull, enabeling us to spent a long period of time in their presence. 
- Inês Cunha


Report from Hafsúlan: What a perfect way to start the day! The sea was mirror flat and we only had light rain in the very beginning, but then it cleared up and we enjoyed some sunshine. On our way our we found no less than 4 different pods of white beaked dolphins! The one that stuck out most was a pod of 8-9 individuals that included one of our known dolphins named Skywalker! They seemed playful and curious about us, coming super close and swimming around and underneath our boat! We then found two pods of about 3-5 harbour porpoises on our way further out. Then we ended the tour with a beautiful minke whale, it was lunge feeding at the surface and we got to spend a while with it before heading back. Truly an amazing tour!

-Kristín Viðja


Report from Eldey: We begun the tour with a beautiful rainbow to our left. The conditions were ideal. A perfectly flat sea, it was like sailing on a lake, it was cloudy but not raining, so the visibility wasn´t affected by the sunglare. We encountered a lot of common guillemots, those incredible divers calling each other with cute cheepings. After a while we found our first sighting of the day, a big pod of 7-10 white-beaked dolphins. A few of those cetaceans were jumping out so it we enjoyed the amazing show. One of the dolphin came close, bow riding our boat and interacting with us. We left them alone to find another species to admire. Northern gannets were flying so close to us that we could see their blue eyes. We found 2-3 minke whales feeding a little bit further. We stayed with them for a while until we had to come back to Reykjavik with a wonderful rainbow behind us. 

-Miquel Pons

Bird species identified today: common guillemot, northern gannet, northern fulmar, atlantic puffin, arctic skua.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.