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 TOUR CANCELLED | at 19:00

Due to unfavorable sea conditions, we need to CANCEL our whale watching tour tonight at 19:00. If you have any questions or would like to reschedule, please contact our ticket office at +354 519 5000 or Apologies for any inconvenience.


Report from Eldey: We decided to take the Northern route closer to Akranes as the wind force increased. We continued along the West-Northwest direction but were unfortunately unsuccessful in spotting any cetaceans other than 3 harbour porpoises in front of the harbour. For that reason we gave out complimentary tickets to our guests for them to try their luck once more.

-Lucas Heinrich


Report from Elding: The clouds were covering the morning sun but the day was still bright and we left the harbour with our sheers up. The sea was a bit choppy but, since everybody was outside getting the fresh wind on their faces, we didn't have any green faces on board. We were sailing throughout the bay until we got to an area full of birds feeding and there it was! A minke whale surfaced a hundreds of meters ahead of us. We tried to approach the animal but it was really tricky to do it. Finally, we decided to leave the area to try to find another animal more in the "whale watching mood" and suddenly a minke whale appeared really close to the port side of the boat. We stopped the vessel to enjoy this whale for a couple of minutes just surfacing around us. After a few more surfaces, it decided to take a really long dive and it was time for us to go home feeling satisfied with the "last minute" luck. Even though we were able to see the minke whale, it was quite fast and in the end so we offered our passengers the chance to come back with us free of charge.

-José Manuel Marco Valero


Report from Eldey: The sky was filled with cloud during this tour. We had a few small drops but we could stay almost completely dry. We headed directly to the west, looking for the whales. After a while we saw a flock of birds further near Akranes, so we begin to approach it hoping to sea some cetaceans. The flock spreaded before we arrived so we decided to continue in other areas. Good call captain ! We find an area where a lot of northern gannets were plunge-diving. What an impressive show! In this area we also so 2-3 minke whales feeding. They were a bit hard to follow but we had a few really good looks on those beautiful animals. During the way back the wind was picking up, so our passengers were happy to have our red overalls to protect them. 

-Miquel Pons


Report from Elding: The morning started with a bright sun shining up in the sky. The wind had picked up a little bit but all our passengers were outside just living an Icelandic summer adventure. We were sailing taking advantage of the shelter of the mountains while being able to enjoy the beauty of the landscape. It was quite challenging to find our first minke whale. It was really busy feeding in an area full of northern gannets. I've never seen that many at the same time. It was beautiful to see them diving in front of us. Unfortunately, the minke whale was changing the heading and surfacing far away from us all the time, probably looking for some fish, so it was too difficult to follow it. In the end, only some of the passengers had the chance to see it, although most of then had a lot of fun! Thus, we offered all the passengers the opportunity to come back for free with us to try to get a deeper look of our beloved cetaceans.

-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz 


Report from Eldey: Even thought the clouds were menacingly floating above us, this tour has been a rainless one, with only the Northeast wind and a bit of swell helping create the Icelandic ambiance. Despite looking for a very long time and covering a wide surface, we were unsuccessful to locate any cetaceans on this tour. For this reason we gave out complementary tickets to our guests with the wish that they come with us on another sea adventure and this time one on which we see the animals.

-Lucas Heinrich

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.