
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 17:00 Report from Eldey: The weather was going better and better during the day. The sea was completely flat and the sun showed up, the light was beautiful. We quickly saw a first pod of harbour porpoises, and a minute later a second one. A bit later we encountered our first pod of white-beaked dolphins, who was calmly swimming and sometimes diving. They approached us from really close, going underneath us during a moment and then showing up to the other side. One of the dolphins started to jump ! What show ! We stayed with this pod but further away we saw at least 3 other white-beaked dolphins pods: We continued our tour until we founded 2 minke whales feeding in the same area. We saw them under the amazing light of the sunset until we had to head back to Reykjavik, the sunset on our back. We crossed during the way back 2 other pods of white-beaked dolphin. The members of one of the pod were all doing impressing high jumps. It was a mesmerizing show that we will remember. 

-Miquel Pons


Report from Eldey: We were all surprised by a shining sun sneaking behind the clouds! The bay remained quite flat under kind winds. We stick to our usual plan and went straight to the area where we had the sightings on the previous tour. It changed quite a bit and there was not much bird action going on there, indicating that pray must have moved towards another place. After that was checked, we resumed our search and sooner than later we found a pod of 4 – 5 white beaked dolphins. Later on we found 2 minke whales. In all sightings we were able to observe the animals quite well. After such a successful tour, it was time to head back home.

- Inês Cunha


Report from Eldey: A good weather for whale watching today. The wind coming from the east was not strong, a sky half clouded half sunny allowing a good visibility. The sea was not rocky, some whitecaps but small so it was easy to spot the eventual animals surfacing. We needed an hour to sea some activity. First we saw a lot of birds converging in the same direction. Northern gannets were plunge-diving offering us a nice show. After a few minutes looking we went further and found 2 minke whales. Those whales were probably feeding and easy to stay with. We had good sightings on them until we decided to look for something else. We were in luck because 5 minutes later we spotted jumping dolphins. At least 4 white-beaked dolphins were there, one of those cetaceans was jumping repeatedly, making loud splashes, A perfect way to begin the morning.

-Miquel Pons

Birds seen today: northern gannet, kittiwake, black-headed gull, northern fulmar, great cormorant. 

Good morning! We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. The wind is a bit strong this morning, If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.