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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Again we sailed out in excellent sea conditions to visit Lundey the puffin island. There were not many birds around so we headed out to find some whales. It took us about 45 minutes before we encountered the first Minke Whale. It was very nice to stay with this guy, it surfaced a few times very close to the boat and was very easy going and relaxed. The sun came out and it was just a perfect evening to go whale watching. We stayed with this Minke Whale the whole time and when it was about time to head back to Reykjavík we spotted constantly jumping White Beaked Dolphins in the distance so we decided to have a closer look at them. We had between 7 and 10 individuals all around the boat and it was really fun to watch them surfacing close to us. But we were running out of time so after a while we had to head back to the harbour still seeing the dolphins in the distance. Amazing tour in a beautiful evening sun light.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The first thing we did on this tour was to stop at Lundey to watch the puffins on the island. Then we headed out into the bay and it did not take us a very long time until we spotted some Harbour Porpoises quit close to the boat. They turned out to be all around the boat, busy feeding, 15-25 animals in total throughout the tour. As we sailed a bit further out we saw a Minke Whale not to far away. This Minke Whale was also very easy going and we stayed quite a long time with this animal. It came up very close to the boat and the passengers were amazed by the sound of the blow.While we were heading back to reykjavík the sky cleared up a bit and everyone was very happy with the day.

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out on a very calm sea. We stopped at Puffin island there were only a few birds around so we didn't stay too long. The sea conditions were perfect to spot whales from the distance and we were not sailing more than 45 minutes before we saw the first Minke Whale. It was not the only individual we met, suddenly we were surrounded by 5-7 Minke Whales. They came up very close to the boat, being totally relaxed with our presence. It was amazing, we turned off the engine just to enjoy this moment. We stayed with them the whole tour and headed back to Reykjavík very happily.

Birds seen on today's tour: Atlantic Puffin, Cormorants, Arctic Terns, Glaucous Gulls, Eider Ducks, Oystercatchers, Kittiwakes, Black-backed Gulls, Common Guillemots, Arctic Skuas, Black-headed Gulls, Fulmars, Razorbills, Graylag Geese.

- Lisa Hofmann