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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out with an overcast sky and a bit of rain but it didn´t last long. The sea condition was very good and we only really got to feel the cold on the way back when heading into the wind. We tried looking for the MInke Whale that we saw at the end of the morning tour but it must have travelled a long distance in the time we were in the harbour as it was no where to be seen. We headed offshore and far offshore. A couple of passengers saw a Minke Whale but unfortunately it was an elusive one as it didn´t show itself again to us. We then got word from another whale watching vessel about a large pod of White-beaked Dolphins they were seeing. We were off and they were incredible. We stayed with them for maybe 30-45 minutes and watched them bow-ride, breach, leap and surface just meters from the boat. I was a long but a great tour.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan. We headed out with ominous clouds above our head. The rained stayed off for most the tour but came in later on. We headed to the area which has been active in the last couple of days. We saw a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins (5-7 individuals in two groups but they must have been resting as they didn´t stay with us long. We headed back getting a bit depressed because we didn´t see much but our luck changed as we were near to land by grótta (lighthouse) because we got to see a Minke Whale and a couple of time, very close.

Birds seen on today´s tours include: Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Glacous Gulls, Black-backed Gulls, Long-tailed Ducks, Shags, Cormorants and Eider Ducks.

Pictures will arrive shortly

-Megan Whittaker